This documentation describes the format and content of product data, inventory, category data and customer dependent prices that can be sent to the shop.
Transfer of import files
The import files described below can be transferred using the REST or SOAP interface:
Übertragung - Trigger: REST, SOAP & Co
Overview import files
Currently the following import files are supported:
File name | Validity | Content and function |
wpupdate.csv | Subshop | This file contains the data of products to be changed or added. |
wpcomplete.csv | Subshop | The format of this file is identical to wpupdate.csv, but it must contain all products of the subshop. Products that are not included in this file will be deleted. The import of wpcomplete.csv requires the import of catcomplete.csv. |
wpdelete.csv | Subshop | This file contains the product data to be deleted. |
*.prd | Subshop | The data of dependent variants are stored in a separate file for each product. The name of these files is formed from the product index, the extension is "prd". |
catupdate.csv | Subshop | This file contains category contents to be changed. For the products listed in this file, the associated product data must be supplied in the wpupdate.csv or already exist in the shop. |
catcomplete.csv | Subshop | The format of this file is identical to catupdate.csv, but it must contain all product category assignments. From categories that are not present in this file all assigned products will be removed. |
catdelete.csv | Subshop | This file contains the categories from which all products should be removed. |
amountupdate.csv | Shop | This file contains the amount of stock of the products to be changed. |
c-priceupdate.csv | Subshop | This file contains the (customer dependent) prices to be updated. |
c-pricecomplete.csv | Subshop | The format of this file is identical to that of "c-priceupdate.csv", but the file must contain all customer-dependent prices of the subshop. Prices not included in the file will be deleted from the shop. |
c-pricedelete.csv | Subshop | This file contains the (customer dependent) prices to be deleted. |
catcomplete.xml | Subshop | This file contains the data of the categories themselves. |
depsearchcomplete.csv | Subshop | Contains the possible combinations for the dependent search |
deliveryupdate.csv | Shop | This file contains the entries of the product-dependent delivery costs to be updated/newly inserted |
deliverydelete.csv | Shop | This file contains the entries of the product dependent shipping costs to be deleted |
parameter.ini | Shop | Various parameters that do not fit into any other import file |
parameter.ini | Subshop | Various parameters that do not fit into any other import file |
discount.csv | Shop/subshop | Discount groups |
custpnumberscomplete.csv | Shop | Contains all customer dependent product numbers |
custpnumbersupdate.csv | Shop | Contains the customer dependent product numbers to be changed or added |
custpnumbersdelete.csv | Shop | Contains the customer dependent product numbers to be deleted |
onlinepricecomplete.csv | Subshop | Contains all online prices (of the subshop) |
onlinepriceupdate.csv | Subshop | Contains the online prices to be changed or added |
onlinepricedelete.csv | Subshop | Contains the online prices to be deleted |
Character set of the import files
It is recommended that all import files are supplied in the character set of the relevant subshop.
This ensures that all imported special characters are displayed correctly in the shop. As soon as character sets have to be converted, there is a risk that there is no equivalent in the shop's character set for certain characters.
The character set of the subshop is entered in the file "shop.config", in the section "Basic" at the parameter "Charset".
Character set conversion
If the ERP system cannot supply the character sets of the subshop, these must be converted accordingly.
Conversion of the "catcomplete.xml" character set
For the "catcomplete.xml", the character set in the header of the XML file is evaluated. A special configuration of the character set conversion is therefore not necessary.
Character set conversion of the files "wpupdate.csv", "wpcomplete.csv" and "*.prd".
If these files are to be converted, this must be set in the global.config file in the "configuration" directory of the shop.
<ProductImportPro> ConvertCharset = yes # [yes|no], standard = no, convert character set when importing product data ImportCharset = UTF-8 # standard = UTF-8, character set in which the import files are delivered UnknownCharacters = mapreplace # [ignore|stdreplace|mapreplace], standard = ignore </ProductImportPro>
The "ConvertCharset" parameter determines whether the character set of the product data is converted at all. The other two parameters are optional.
ImportCharset" can be used to specify the character set of the import files if it differs from UTF-8.
The "UnknownCharacters" parameter controls how to handle characters that have no equivalent in the SubShop's character set:
ignore: The characters are omitted without replacement
stdreplace: Attempts to replace the character with one or more similar characters
mapreplace: The characters are converted using a mapping table in the global.config file
Conversion tables
If characters are used in the import data that are not present in the shop's character set, they can be converted to other characters using conversion tables in the global.config file.
<+ImportCharsetConvertMap> Charset = ISO-8859-1 a = %c4%83 I = %c3%8e %56 = %c3%8e </+ImportCharsetConvertMap>
The parameter "Charset" specifies the character set of the shop for which this table is to be used. All other entries in the section specify the desired substitutions: To the right of the "=" is the character string in the import file, to the left of it is the character string by which it is to be replaced. Both the original characters and the replacement must be encoded in the character set of the import file.
All characters can be URL encoded. In this case, a "%" character is followed by the hexadecimal code of the character. This encoding is recommended for all special characters (with a code >= 128), otherwise there is a risk that these characters will be saved in the wrong character set when editing the file.
If a character string is not to be replaced by another one, but deleted, this can be achieved with the special value "$delete".
The conversion tables are currently only used for converting product data, not category data.
There can be any number of <+ImportCharsetConvertMap> sections in the global.config file. However, they must differ in the "Charset" parameter.
Formats of the import files
All files with the extensions "csv" and "prd" are stored in a "character separated values" format, i.e. the files consist of a header line with the field names and any number of data lines, as well as field separators between the fields of a data line. Field separators for the field values or the field names in the header line are tab characters. The lines are terminated with a CR or a CRLF.
Please pay attention to the upper/lower case of the field names.
Data types
The following data types are used in the tables below:
Data Type | Description |
S1 | String (type 1) with all printable characters except TAB and CR/LF |
S2 | String (type 2) only with the allowed characters: 0..9 |
S3 | String (type 3, alphanumeric) only with the allowed characters: 0..9 |
S4 | String (type 4, ASCII) with all printable characters except TAB and CR/LF of the ASCII code or the first 128 characters of the ISO-8859-X codes. |
I | Signed Integer, i.e. integer values with an optional sign. Only digits and signs are allowed. No other characters, especially no dots as thousand separators. Example: |
U | Unsigned integer, i.e. integer values without sign. Only digits are allowed. No other characters, especially no dots as thousand separators. Example: |
F | Float, i.e. "floating point numbers" with optional sign and optional decimal places. Decimal places are separated by a period (the comma is not allowed). Example: Not allowed: |
Maximum length of fields
The maximum lengths specified in the tables are not checked during import. Fields where the maximum length is exceeded will not be shortened, neither during import nor later when displayed in the shop.
The reason for this is that fields (especially the product description) can contain HTML formatting. If, for example, a product description were now truncated after an opening <table> tag, but before the closing </table> tag, not only would the formatting of the field value itself be affected, but the formatting of the entire content of the HTML page that follows the description. In the worst case, not only would the display of the page be affected, but also the function, if, for example, the "Add to Cart" button is no longer displayed.
For this reason, fields where the maximum length is exceeded are not displayed in the shop or are displayed with empty content.
Product data (wpupdate.csv/wpcomplete.csv)
These files contain the product data to be changed or newly added to the shop.
List of fields (unstructured)
The file can contain the following fields:
Field name | Allowed characters/ | Meaning/Format |
ProdIndex | S1/64 | A unique ID for the product within the subshop. This field is the only required field in the file. |
Name | S1/128 | The product name. |
Name2 | S1/128 | An additional name of the product. |
Number | S1/64 | The number of the product/product number. |
AltNumber1 | S1/64 | Fields with "alternative product numbers". |
InsertList | S1/4000 | A comma-separated list of promotional codes allowed for the product. |
Descr | S1/16000 | The product description. |
Shortdescr | S1/1024 | The product short description. This description can be used e.g. in product lists, alternatively a version of "Descr" automatically shortened by the shop can be displayed there. |
Image | S2/128 | The name of the normal sized product image. |
Thumbnail | S2/128 | A small product image for use in product lists. |
MiniThumbnail | S2/128 | An extra-small product image, e.g. for display in the shopping cart. |
LargeImage | S2/128 | An extra large product image, e.g. to be displayed in the shop by clicking on an "enlarge" link. |
Unit | S1/64 | The (packaging) unit in which the product can be ordered. Example: "Piece". If a packaging unit contains several pieces, this number can either be entered in the unit field or imported separately in a free field. In the first case, the number of pieces will also be displayed in the shopping cart and included in the order data, in the second case it will not. |
UnitCode | S1/64 | A code for the unit in which the product can be ordered. In contrast to "Unit", this value is not intended to be displayed in the shop, but to be evaluated when the orders are read in by a MMS. Example: "Stck". |
UnitFactor | F/8 | When using this field, only multiples of the unit specified under "Unit" can be ordered. |
UnitFactorGroups | S1/4048 | The value of the UnitFactor field (see above), can be imported depending on the customer. In the customer data, a group ID ("UnitFactorGroupID") must be specified for this purpose. Format: <g><1>GroupID</1><2>UnitFactor</2></g>. Example: |
QuantityScaling | S1/1024 | Specifies the allowed order quantities. Unlike "UnitFactor", all allowable quantities must be listed in a comma separated list. |
AdditionCostFactor | F/8 | Allows to adjust the cost of shipping for individual products. The value specified here is multiplied by the number of items ordered and a factor to be configured in the "shop.config" and then added to the shipping cost. |
FreeDelivery | S1/1 | "y" if no shipping cost should be charged for the product. |
DeliveryCostGroup | S1/64 | The delivery cost group for the product dependent delivery costs. |
VATIndex | Permissible values: 1...15 | Defines the VAT rate of the product. The percentage belonging to the VATIndex is configured in shop.config. |
Price | F/8 | The "normal" price of the product. |
AltPrices | - | Time-dependent, alternative prices. See "Meta fields" for format description and example. |
OrgPrice | F/8 | An "old price" a "recommended price" or something similar. The shop can automatically display the difference between "OrgPrice" and "Price" as savings. |
OrgPrices | - | Corresponds to the "OrgPrice" field in terms of content, but time-dependent prices can be specified in "OrgPrices". See "Meta fields" for format description and example . |
BestPrice | F/8 | If a product has dependent variants, then the cheapest price of all variants should be entered here. Before all variants are selected in the shop, this price can then be displayed as "From price" (e.g. "from 2.25 EUR"). Example: "2.25 |
BestPiecePrice | F/8 | If the number of pieces is imported as a variant, then the best price per piece can be passed in this field, |
BestPiecePriceQuantity | F/8 | The quantity belonging to "BestPiecePrice |
MaxPrice | F/8 | If a product has dependent variants, then the highest price of all variants can be entered here. Together with "BestPrice", "MaxPrice" can be used to display a price range (from ... to ...) before a variation is selected. |
BulkDiscount | Max. 100 prices | The scale prices. See "Meta fields" for format description and example. |
BulkDiscountId | S1/64 | The scale price ID. Products with the same scale price ID are considered the same for the scale price calculation. Example: All T-shirts in a shop have got the scale price ID "TShirt", starting from the purchase of 3 pieces a reduced scale price applies. If a customer orders one piece of t-shirt "A", one piece of t-shirt "B" and one piece of t-shirt "C", he pays only the reduced price. |
BulkDiscountPrices | "Promotional" prices, i.e. prices that depend on time and quantity. See "Meta fields" for format description and example. | |
AreaProductPriceScale | Scale prices for area products. For format description and example see "Meta fields". | |
ValidFrom | U/10 | Time/date from which the product should be displayed in the shop as Unix time. Example: "1210892400". |
ValidUntil | U/10 | Time/date up to which the product should be displayed in the shop as Unix time. |
TextInputFields | Max. 10 fields | The text input fields. For format description and example see "Meta fields". |
SearchItems | S1/256 | Terms that should be considered in the search, but not displayed in the online shop. This field is used for a full text search, i.e. no special formatting needs to be observed. |
MerchantName | S1/64 | The name of the manufacturer or supplier of the product. |
MerchantID | S1/64 | An ID of the manufacturer or supplier of the product. In contrast to MerchantName, this field is not intended for display in the shop but for evaluation when reading in orders. |
Weight | F/8 | The weight of the item in any unit, but it must be the same for all products. |
Volume | F/8 | The volume of the item in any unit, but it must be the same for all products. Example: "8.0" |
Length | F/8 | The length of the item in any unit, but it must be the same for all products and should be aligned with that of "Volume". Example: "1.0" |
Height | F/8 | The height of the item (see Length). Example: "2.52 |
Width | F/8 | The width of the item (see Length). Example: "0.42" |
MinQuantity | U/7 | The minimum order quantity for the product. Example: "3" |
MaxQuantity | U/7 | The maximum order quantity for the product. Example: "25". |
QuantityDecimal | Permissible values: 0...6 | The allowed decimal places for the order quantity. Normally a customer can only enter integer order quantities in the shop, by using this field you can also allow floating point values. |
Event | S1/1 | Enter "y" here if the product is displayed in the "Happy Hour" category. Note that the product must also be assigned to the "Happy-Hour" category via the catupdate.csv/ catcomplete.csv files. |
EventProductNumber | S1/64 | A different product number that will be used during the "Happy-Hour". |
EventDiscount | F/8 | Discount in percent that will be applied to the product during the "Happy Hour". |
Variations | Max. 200 variations; and 2000 entries | The "normal" variations. See "Meta fields" for format description and example. |
DepVariations/ | Max. 200 variants; and 100000 entries. Recommendation: The number of entries should not exceed 10000, because with increasing number the display in the shop becomes slower. | The "dependent" variants. See "Meta fields" for format description and example. |
CrossLinks | Max. 200 entries | Cross-links, cross-selling links, etc. For format description and example see "Meta fields". |
Inventory | - | Inventory data For format description and example see "Meta fields". |
StoreId | S4/64 | The "stock item number" of the product. Normally the stock of an article is assigned via the product index. If a different ID is to be used, it can be entered here. |
StockEmail | S1/128 | An e-mail address for notifications when the reorder level is fallen short of. If this field is empty, the address configured in shop.config is used. Example: "" |
OrderInfo | S1/16000 | This field can be used to write data that should not be displayed in the shop but is required in the order data, e.g. an internal article number. |
Test | S1/1 | "y" if the product should not be displayed in the shop. By appending "&test=on" to the URL of the shop call, the products marked in this way can be displayed in the shop for test purposes. |
HideForBasket | S1/1 | "y" if the product should not be displayed in the shopping basket. |
BookDelivery | S1/1 | "y" if a special book delivery shipping cost should be calculated for the product. |
SoldOut | S1/1 | "y" if the product should not be orderable in the shop. |
Export | S1/1 | "n" if the product should not be exported by the "PricePush" and "External search system" services. |
License | S1/1 | "y" if the product is a "license article". When purchasing a license article, the customer receives a license number. Typically, this is software that can be freely downloaded, but can only be used without restrictions after a license number has been entered. |
DiscountFactor | F/8 | The "(customer) discount factor". The discounts granted are multiplied by this factor. By default, every product is discountable (DiscountFactor = 1), even if the field is left empty. If no discount should be granted for a product, this can be achieved by entering "0" here. Example: "0.5 |
DiscountId | S1/64 | The discount group. Example: "abc" |
Discount | F/8 | A discount in percent for the product that applies to all customers. Example: "7.89" |
UserDiscountRate | F/8 | Each customer who buys this item will be given the discount (in percent) specified here for the entire order and for all orders in the future. Example: "5.00" |
BonusPoints | U/7 | The number of bonus points that will be credited when this product is purchased. Example: "1500" |
BonusDeny | S1/1 | "y" if no bonus points can be redeemed when buying this product. |
BonusProduct | S1/1 | Bonus product ("y": product is a bonus product, any other value: product is not a bonus product) In contrast to the "normal" redemption of bonus points, premium products can only be purchased with the redemption of bonus points and you can explicitly specify for each product how many bonus points are required for the purchase. |
BonusProductPrice | U/7 | Bonus points needed to buy the product (only if BonusProduct=y) |
Upload | S1/1 | "y" if the purchaser can upload files during the purchase (typically for printed products). |
Download | - | The data for download items. See "Meta fields" for format description and example. |
Set | Max. 500 | The set sub-articles of the product. See "Meta fields" for format description and example. |
OnlyAsSetChild | “y” product can only be ordered as part of a set | |
ParentProdIndex | S1/64 | The product index of the grouping parent article. |
ChildProducts | - | The grouping child articles of the product. See "Meta fields" for format description and example. |
AgeRestricted | U/7 | Specifies a minimum age for the customer (typical application: DVDs, computer games, etc., 0: No age restriction)' |
GiftPackage | S1/1 | "n" if gift packaging is not possible for the product. |
GiftPackagePrice | F/8 | The extra price per piece if the product comes with gift packaging. |
NoCampaignVoucher | S1/1 | "y" if no promotional vouchers can be applied to the purchase price of the product (e.g. because this would violate book price fixing). |
NumSearchOnly | S1/1 | "y": When searching in the online shop, only the field with the product number is searched, the content of all other fields is ignored. Any other value: The normal logic of the product search is applied. |
AreaProduct | S1/1 | "y": The customer can specify in the shop the desired dimensions in the shop. See also "AreaProductRange" under "Meta fields". |
DenyPayments | S1/128 | Excluded payment types Examples for payment type codes: You find all payment type codes in the documentation for designers: |
ABMinOrderVal | F/8 | Minimum order value for "shopping cart" products (see "Shopping cart category") |
UseSetParentVAT | S1/1 | "y": For set sub-articles, the VAT rate of the upper article is taken over |
VoucherProduct | S1/1 | "y": product is a "voucher product", i.e. it can be automatically added to the shopping cart when a voucher is redeemed |
ClimateNeutral | S1/1 | "y": The customer can select a climate protection project when purchasing the product, through the support of which they can offset the greenhouse gases produced during production. |
VariationsOverview | S1/max. 25 variation entries | Data for the "clothing module". See "Meta fields" for format description and example. (Remark: These two fields do not exist as "standard fields" in the WSPManager) |
VariationsOverviewMatrix | ||
CreationDate | U/10 | Creation date of the product in the shop as Unix time. Example: "1367877600". |
DataSheetFile | S2/128 | The name of a file to be sent as a "datasheet" together with the order confirmation mail. The file itself must be stored in the directory "...products/media/datasheet/". |
DataSheetName | S2/128 | A different file name if the data sheet should not be sent with the file name entered under DataSheetFile. (optional) |
DeliveryFilterID | S1/64 | Allows to restrict the delivery types for the product. The DeliveryFilterIDs entered here must be entered in at least "<+deliverer>" section of shop.config. |
CustomerProductNumbers | S1/16000 | A comma-separated list of all customer-dependent product numbers assigned to the product and the original product number. The list must be passed with a leading and trailing comma. Example: ,1234567,123451,123452, |
RobotImageKeywords | S1/128 | Optional name that will be used instead of the product name in the URLs of the images (Image, Thumbnail, MiniThumbnail, LargeImage) if "talking image names" is enabled for the shop. |
OnlinePrice | S1/1 | "y": Imported "online prices" are used to determine the price. |
InstantVoucherProduct | S1 | Contains the data for "voucher products", i.e. products with whose purchase the buyer receives a voucher. See "InstantVoucherProduct" under "Meta fields". |
Discontinued | S1/1 | "y": The product will be deleted from the product database, but will continue as a "Product that no longer exists" (see section "Discontinued products / categories") |
DiscontinuedSubstitute | S1/64 | If the "Discontinued" field is set to "y", the product index of a substitute product to which the shop forwards can be specified here. (see section "Discontinued products / categories") |
Service | S1/1 | "y": The product will be continued as "Service Product" (see section "Service Products") |
IgnoreMinOrder | S1/1 | If this flag is set to y for all products in the shopping cart, then the minimum order value configured in the shop (OrderConditions/MinimumOrder-Value in shop.config) is ignored. |
IgnoreForSurcharge | S1/1 | "y": The product will be ignored for determining the minimum order surcharge (if the calculation mode is configured accordingly) |
PrimeShopping | S1/3 | For set top items: For set sub-articles: |
PrimeShoppingDuration | S1/4 | Duration that the Prime package is valid. If this value is missing, the shop will use 365 days as default. |
PrimeShoppingDurationUnit | S1 | Time unit for the PrimeShoppingDuration field. "d": days (default) |
PrimeShoppingBillCountries | S1 | Restriction regarding the billing country of a buyer. Comma-separated list of billing countries that are allowed to buy the prime package. If the entry is empty, there is no restriction on the billing country. |
PrimeShoppingPeriodOfNotice | S1/4 | Notice period before end of term in days If this value is missing, the default value from the shop configuration is used. If the default value of the shop configuration is not set, 30 days is used. If the determined period of notice in days is greater than the runtime, 1 day is used as fallback. |
PrimeProduct | S1/1 | "y": product can only be ordered by customers who have a Prime package with the "Prime products" option. |
PrimePrice | F/8 | Price valid for customers who have purchased the "Prime prices" package. |
PrimePriceValidFrom | S3/8 | Day from which the PrimePrice is valid |
PrimePriceValidUntil | S3/8 | Day until which the PrimePrice is valid. |
DenyForRating | S1/1 | "y": No rating reminder email will be sent for the product |
DefaultDepVarIndex | S1/64 | Variant index of the preselected dependent variant combination of the product Example |
DefaultSetDepVarIndex | S1/1024 | List of variant indices of the preselected dependent variant combination of the set product. The list must be specified as follows: As parameter-value pairs in URL format (without URL coding), the variant index of the set top product must be specified as a value in the depvar_index_setparent parameter, the variant indexes of the set subproducts must be specified as a value in the depvar_index_set_<run index of set subproduct> parameters: Example: (Note: the parameter list is to be specified analogously as contained in the output by the ~PR-SetLink~ tag) |
SiteMap | S1/1 | "n": The product is not written to the |
PriceInterpolationStart | S1 | This field is only relevant if dependent variants are used for quantity entry. In this case, a quantity can be specified here, from which the entries in the PRD are summarized. From this quantity onwards, any quantities can then be entered in the shop and the price is determined by interpolating the prices that were specified in the PRD file. Example:
MultiDeliveryAddressOptions | <mda>/1024 <sc>/1024 | MULTI-ALA MultiDelivery/Split-Order Options Format: <sc><1>Cost (and control) available</1><2>opt. available as of quantity</2><3>SampleCopy quantity</3></sc> Example:
W2P | "y": Article is Web-to-Print-capable "n" or empty: Article is not W2P-capable | |
W2PCost | (Optional) costs for Web-to-Print products | |
SubscriptionProduct | "y": Product can only be ordered via the subscription module. "n": Product cannot be ordered via the subscription module (default). "b": Product can be ordered both via the subscription module and individually in the shop. | |
SubscriptionDiscount | Discount in percent when ordering via the subscription module (optional) | |
CountryOfProductionList | Comma-separated list of countries (3-digit ISO code) in which the product can be produced or comma-separated list of production locations in the form 3ISO-ALPHANUM (ISO code, hyphen separator, alphanumeric identifier of the production location). | |
Glossary | Field in which the glossary function is supported (as in the product description). This means that if this field contains words for which an explanation has been entered in the "Glossary" service in the OSB, then this explanation can be displayed in the shop. |
Unused fields can be omitted, but you should use the same fields in the same order each time you import. If you add fields, delete fields, or change the order of fields, then the data already stored in the shop will need to be adjusted to the new fields during import, which can significantly lengthen the import process.
In addition to the fields listed above, the import file can contain the free fields created in the WSPManager for the subshop (Allowed characters/
max. length: S1/16000). The column headings in the import file must correspond to the "Technical field names" entered in the WSPManager.
Meta fields (structured)
In order to keep the table structure slim and clear, some fields have an additional inner structure. Thus, a number of parameters and values can be specified in a table field that varies from product to product. Example: Scale prices.
BulkDiscount/Staggered prices
Scale prices are passed in the following format in a table field:
<g><1>quantity type 1</1><2>quantity 1</2><3>price 1</3><4>price type 1</4><5>base price 1</5></g>.
<g><1>quantity type 2</1><2>quantity 2</2><3>price 2</3><4>price type 2</4><5>base price 2</5></g>
(The line break is not part of the format and is only for better readability)
Each record is framed by the tags "<g>" and "</g>". Within the record there are additional tags for price type, quantity and prices.
Tag | Meaning |
1 | The quantity type indicates whether the price is valid from the quantity specified in "<2>..</2>" (=0) or exactly at this quantity (=1, "unit price"). In the second case, the price is no longer multiplied by the specified quantity when the product is added to the shopping cart. |
2 | The quantity as an integer value. |
3 | The price or the percentage discount as a floating point value. |
4 | The price type specifies whether the value stored in <3></3> is an absolute price (=0) or a discount in percent (=1). If time-dependent prices are used, this field may contain other values (see BulkDiscountPrices) |
5 | The base price as text, as it should be displayed in the shop, i.e. including the unit to which the price refers. E.g. "5,99 EUR / kg" |
Example:<g><1>0</1><2</2><3>3.5</3><4>0</4><5>5.00 EUR / kg</5></g>
<g><1>0</1><2>4</2><3>1.9</3><4>0</4><5>2.71 EUR / kg</5></g>
Promotional prices can be used if you want prices to be both quantity based and time based. For each time/quantity scale, this requires an entry in both the BulkDiscount field and the BulkDiscountPrices field.
For each time/quantity scale, in addition to any time-independent scale prices that may exist there, an additional entry must be added to the BulkDiscount field that has the following structure:
<g><1>quantity type 1</1><2>quantity 1</2><4>price type 1</4></g>.
<g><1>quantity-type 2</1><2>quantity 2</2><4>price-type 2</4></g>
(The line break is not part of the format and is only for better readability.)
The structure is largely the same as the "normal" scale prices, with the difference that the "<3>" tag is completely omitted, and the "<4>" tag contains other values.
Tag | Meaning |
1 | The quantity type specifies whether the price applies from the quantity specified in "<2>..</2>" (=0) or exactly at this quantity (=1, "unit price"). In the second case, the price is no longer multiplied by the specified quantity when the product is added to the shopping cart. |
2 | The quantity as an integer value. |
4 | The field can contain the following values: 2: Time-dependent price |
For each additional time-dependent price in the "BulkDiscount" field, at least one entry must be added to the "BulkDiscountPrices" field containing the actual time-dependency and price.
The field has the following structure:
"Quantity" will be replaced by the quantity entered in the "<2>" tag of the corresponding entry in the "BulkDiscount" field.
Tag | Meaning |
<a...> | Introduces the entry and at the same time specifies the quantity to which it applies. for example, <a20>...</a20> is the entry for the quantity 20 |
<g...> | Corresponds in function to the <a...> tag, but when quantity and time overlap, the <a...> tags are used with priority. |
1 | The start time as Unix time |
2 | The end time as Unix time |
3 | The price or percentage discount as a floating point number. |
4 | Corresponds to the <4> tag in the "BulkDiscount" field, i.e. can contain the following values: 2: Time-dependent price |
For each entry in the BulkDiscountPrices field, there must be an entry in the BulkDiscount field that matches the entry in BulkDiscountPrices in quantity and in the value of the <4> tag.
If multiple prices with overlapping time periods are imported, the lowest price will be used in the shop.
This field can be used to import additional, time-dependent prices. If there is no valid price for the current time, the price imported under "Price" will be used instead.
If several time periods are valid, the lowest price will be used.
If the start or end time is not to be used, "0" must be entered there as the time.
The alternative prices are passed in the following format in a table field:
<g><1>Start time</1><2>End time</2><3>Price</3></g>
(The line break is not part of the format and is only for better readability.)
Each record is framed by the tags "<g>" and "</g>", Within the record there are additional tags for start time, end time and price.
Tag | Meaning |
1 | The start time in Unix format, example: "1210892400". |
2 | The end time in Unix format, example: "1240892400". |
3 | The price as floating point number, example: "2.50". |
Analogous to the "alternative prices", the tag "a" can also be used to define "promotion prices". These are used preferentially (i.e. before the alternative prices) in the specified period.
(The line break is not part of the format and is only for better readability.)
The format is the same as the AltPrices field, but there are no promotional prices in the OrgPrices field.
AreaProductPriceScale/Scale prices for area products
This field can be used to define scale prices for area products. Scale prices for area products cannot be combined with customer dependent/price group dependent prices or time dependent prices.
The content of the field must be supplied in the following format:
(<from size>:<price>)(<from size>:<price>)....
TextInputFields/Text input fields
For this purpose, the orderer can store one or more inputs for the product (e.g. texts for flocking).
The text input fields are stored in the following format:
<g> <1>Labelling</1> <2>Number of visible characters</2> <3>Number of lines</3> <4>Maximum number of characters</4> <5>Input required</5> </g> <g> ...
(The line breaks are not part of the format and serve only the better readability.)
The data of a single text input field is framed by the tags "<g>" and "</g>". Within the record there are further tags for label, number of visible characters, number of lines, the maximum number of characters and "input required".
Tag | Meaning |
1 | The label of the input field in the shop. |
2 | The number of visible characters or the width of the input field. |
3 | The number of lines of the input field. |
4 | The maximum number of characters the customer can enter in the field. The specification in this tag is used only for single-line input fields. |
5 | If "y" is entered in this tag, the customer must fill in the text input field. For any other value or if the tag is completely missing, filling it in is optional. |
Example:<g><1>front imprint</1><2>30</2><3>1</3><4>50</4><5>y</5></g><g><1>rear imprint</1><2>30</2><3>2</3></g>
Variations "normal variants"
For the normal variants, only some product attributes may depend on the variant (size, color, height, width, etc.).
For the normal variants, the following format applies:
<g> <vn>Variation name</vn> <ve> <1>Variation entry 1</1> <2>Surcharge/reduced price 1</2> <3>(Part-)Article number 1</3> <4>Not available for order 1</4> <5>One-time costs 1</5> </ve> <ve> <1>Variation entry 2</1> <2>Surcharge/reduced price 2</2> <3>(Part-)Article number 2</3> <4>Not available for order 2</4> <5>One-time costs 2</5> </ve> ... <ve> <1>Variation entry N</1> <2>Surcharge/reduced price N</2> <3>(Part-)Article number N</3> <4>Not available for order N</4> <5>One-time costs N</5> </ve> </g> <g> ...
(The line breaks are not part of the format and are only for better readability.)
Tag | Meaning |
vn | Frames the name of the variation, e.g. "color". |
ve | Frames the tags of the variation entry. |
1 | Contains the name of the variation entry, e.g. "Red". |
2 | Surcharge/reduced price if the corresponding entry is selected. |
3 | (Part) article number that is transferred in the order data. |
4 | If "y" is entered in this tag, the variation entry is not orderable. With any other value or if the tag is missing completely, the entry is orderable. |
5 | If "y" is entered in this tag, the surcharge/reduced price is calculated only once, regardless of the ordered quantity. For any other value or if the tag is completely missing, the surcharge/reduced price is multiplied by the ordered quantity. |
DepVariations/DepVarFile, "dependent variants".
For the dependent variants, most of the product attributes like:
Product number
can be dependent on the variant (size, color, height, width, etc.).
The main part of the data of dependent variants is stored in a separate "PRD file" for each product. The wpupdate.csv/ wpcomplete.csv files contain only the names of the variants used and a reference to the PRD file.
Names of the variants
The names of the variants are stored in the "DepVariations" field, it has the following structure:
<g><vn>variation name 1</vn></g><g><vn>variation name 2</vn></g><g>...
Order quantities as dependent variants
In certain cases, it may be useful to implement the possible order quantities using a dependent variation. In this case, the price specified in the PRD file is not multiplied by the quantity but displayed unchanged in the shop.
A disadvantage is that the size of the PRD files multiplies. Depending on how many other variants and variation entries the product has, several thousand lines can quickly add up, which can lead to a noticeable slowdown of the online shop. Also note that no more than 100000 dependent variations can be imported per product.
To mark a variation as a quantity it must be prefixed with "$1$".
Name of the PRD file
The reference to the PRD file is stored in the "DepVarFile" field. The content consists of the subdirectory where the file is located and the name of the file itself.
The names of the directories and the PRD files themselves are formed according to a fixed scheme.
The file name is formed from the product index + the extension ".prd". For example, if the product index is "ABCxyz", the name of the corresponding PRD file is "ABCxyz.prd". If the product index contains characters that are not permitted in file names (\,/,:,*,?,",<,>,|), these must be "escaped". The same applies to all characters with ASCII code>127 (especially umlauts) and the character "%".
The escape mechanism is the same as used for URLs, i.e. the illegal character is replaced by "%" + the two-character hex code (in lower case) of the character code.
So the product index "123/abc" would result in the PRD file name "123%2fabc.prd".
It is recommended to choose the product index in a way that no escaping is necessary.
Please note that the file system used by the shop is case sensitive. So if the product index is "abc", the PRD file must have the name "abc.prd". The name "ABC.PRD" would be invalid, for example, and would lead to errors when displaying the dependent variants.
The name of the directory is derived from the subshop of the product and a hash value formed from the product index.
Directory name = <subshop> + "_" + prodindex hash + ".prd".
First, the MD5 hash value is formed from the product index. The first two bytes of this hash value are interpreted as integer (byte1 + 256*byte2) and taken modulo 1000.
Product index:
MD5 hash of "PFLQ444":
First two bytes modulo 1000:
So the name of the directory is
6B 42 57 5D BA 45 84 41 60 42 5A 82 55 7C F6 80
0x426B mod 1000 = 17003 mod 1000 = 3
The content of the PRD files is described in a separate chapter ("PRD files").
This field can contain the data for "CrossLinks" as well as for the related data of "CrossSellingLinks" and of "Substitutes".
The field has the following format:
<g><1>Product index</1><2>Category index</2><3>Link type</3><4>Product number (only when linking to variant)</4></g><g>...
Tag | Meaning |
1 | The product index of the product to be displayed when the (cross)link is clicked. |
2 | The index of the category that should be opened when the linked product is displayed. The product must of course be included in this category. It is recommended to fill this field if the linked product is in more than one category. |
3 | The "type" of the link, the following values are possible: |
4 | In addition to the product index passed in <1>, the product number of a variant to be linked to can be passed here. |
This field contains the static part of the inventory data, i.e. the part that does not depend on the number of pieces.
The field has the following structure:
<1>Stock active</1> <11>Limit for delivery status red</11> <12>Limit for delivery status yellow</12> <13>At delivery status „red“ available for order</13> <21>Text for delivery status green</21> <22>Text for delivery status yellow</22> <23>Text for delivery status red</23> <24>Fixed status</24> <25>Deactivate stock determination for set top items</25>
(The line breaks are not part of the format and are just for better readability.)
Tag | Meaning |
1 | "y" if the stock management is active for this item. For any other value or if the tag is completely missing, the stock management is inactive. |
11 | The quantity from which the traffic light status "red" should be displayed in the shop. |
12 | The quantity from which the traffic light status "yellow" should be displayed in the shop. |
13 | "y", if the product should still be orderable with the traffic light status "red". For any other value or if the tag is completely missing, the product is no longer orderable with traffic light status "red". |
21 | Delivery status text for traffic light status green. If this tag is missing or the value is empty, the text configured for the subshop is used. |
22 | Delivery status text for traffic light status yellow. If this tag is missing or the value is empty, the text configured for the subshop will be used. |
23 | Delivery status text for traffic light status red. If this tag is missing or the value is empty, the text configured for the subshop will be used. |
24 | This field can be used to specify a traffic light status that will be displayed regardless of the stock level. The following values are possible: 1: Green |
25 | This field is only relevant for set top items. Normally, no stock is transferred for a set top item, instead it is automatically calculated by the shop from the stock levels of the set sub-items. For example, if a set consists of a flashlight and two batteries, then the stock level of the set parent item would be 5 if there are still 7 flashlights and 10 batteries in stock. |
Example:<1>y</1><11>0</11><12>10</12><21>immediately available</21><22>immediately available</22><23>sorry out of stock</23>
Download articles
This field contains the data necessary for download articles, it has the following structure:
<1>Active</1> <2>Filename</2> <3>Download time</3> <4>Number of downloads</4> <5>Approval required</5>
Tag | Meaning |
1 | "y" if the product is treated as a "download item". For any other value or if the tag is completely missing, no download will be offered after the order. |
2 | The name of the file that can be downloaded after ordering the product, only small letters should be used for the name. Only one file can be specified for each product. If several files should be able to be loaded for a product, these must be packed together in an archive. |
3 | The time in hours that the customer has after purchasing the product to load the file. If this tag is missing, the download is unlimited in time. |
4 | The number of downloads that can be made after the purchase of the product. If this tag is missing, the download can be performed any number of times. |
5 | "y" if the shop owner still needs to manually approve the download after the product is purchased. |
This field contains the set sub-items of a set, it has the following structure:
<g> <1>Product index</1> <2>Add product price to set price</2> <3>Quantity</3> <4>Hidden</4> <5>Contribute once</5> </g> <g> ...
(The line breaks are not part of the format and are only for better readability.)
Tag | Meaning |
1 | The product index of the set sub-article. |
2 | "y" if the price of the sub-article is to be added to that of the top article. For any other value or if the tag is completely missing, price of the sub-article will not be used. |
3 | Specifies the number of pieces of the sub-article within the set. |
4 | "y" if the sub-item should not be displayed in the shop. This option is intended for items that are used only for internal management purposes. Such used items must not contain fields that require customer input or selection (variants, text input fields, etc.). |
5 | "y" if the sub-article is to be contributed to the set only once, regardless of the order quantity. Example: 2 is entered as the sub-article quantity and a customer orders 5 sets. If the flag "Contribute once" was not set, then he would receive 10 pieces of the sub-article. If the flag is set, then he will receive only 2. |
This field contains a metadata structure that contains additional options about the set items.
Currently this field can only contain one tag:
Tag | Meaning |
IgnoreChildInventory | "y": All inventory management of the set sub-items will be disabled. |
This field contains the grouping sub-article data. It has the same structure as the CrossLinks field, "0" is entered as the type.
ProductComparisonFields/Comparison fields
ProductComparisonFields is used to import the fields that can be used when comparing products in the shop. The comparison property is read from the (free) field with the technical name.
It has the following structure:
<g> <1>Field name</1> </g> <g> ... </g>
(The line breaks are not part of the format and are only for better readability.)
Tag | Meaning |
g | Frames the data of a field |
1 | Contains the (technical) field name of the comparison field |
In parallel to the "old" logic, the ProductComparisonFields can be extended so that different comparison attributes can be maintained in the same free fields:
<g> <1>optional technical ID</1> <2>Name of the free field</2> <3>Description of the comparison field</3> </g> ...
(The line breaks are not part of the format and are only for better readability.)
Tag | Meaning |
g | Frames the data of a field |
1 | Contains the technical ID of the comparison field (optional) |
2 | Alternative field for the (technical) field name if the displayed name is to differ from the technical field name |
3 | Field name displayed in the shop if tag 2 is filled |
If no technical field name is given in <1>, the description of the comparison field (in <3>) is used.
The comparison property is read from the free field with the technical name as given in<2>.
Old and new logic can also be mixed, both between different products and within the ProductComparisonFields field.
AreaProductRange/Options for area products
For area products, the customer can enter the dimensions of the product when ordering in the shop, for example, height 2m, width 1.5m. The shop calculates the area from the dimensions and multiplies it by the "unit price" of the product to determine the final price.
Whether a product is an "Area Product" is specified in the "AreaProduct" field (see "Standard Fields").
In the extended field "AreaProductRange" additional restrictions of the dimensions are imported, so that the customer can enter in the shop e.g. only widths which lie between 0.5 and 2.5m.
Since area products are usually not available in arbitrary dimensions, all four fields must be filled, otherwise the product cannot be ordered in the shop.
The field has the following structure:
<minlen>Minimal length or height</minlen> <maxlen>Maximum length or height</maxlen> <minwidth>Minimal width or thickness</minwidth> <maxwidth>Maximum width or thickness</maxwidth>
(The line breaks are not part of the format and serve only the better readability.)
VariationsOverview/VariationsOverviewMatrix/clothing module
The data in these two fields allows the shop to display a matching image even if the dependent variations are only partially resolved. This is the case when searching for products (e.g. searching for "pants red"), for category filters (e.g. filtering for red products) and when searching for part numbers.
Furthermore, this data makes it possible to display images of the product when selecting variants, e.g. instead of a selection list with "red" and "green" two images on which the product is shown in "red" and "green" respectively.
The number of variations for this feature is limited to a maximum of 2.
This field contains the names and values of the variations, as well as for each value the images to be displayed and an (optional) text to be displayed.
Tag | Subelement/ -tag of | Allowed characters/ | Meaning |
g | - | S1/max. 2 entries | Frames the data of a variation |
vn | g | S1/64 | Name of the variation |
vc | g | S3/64 | Unique/language independent code of the variation |
ve | g | S1/max. 25 entries | Frames the data of a variation entry/value |
1 | ve | S1/128 | Variation value |
2 | ve | S3/64 | Unique/language-independent code of the variation value |
3 | ve | S1/64 | Product number (of the first matching product with the variation value) |
4 | ve | S1/64 | Part number (optional) |
5 | ve | S2/128 | Large image |
6 | ve | S2/128 | Normal image |
7 | ve | S2/128 | Thumbnail |
8 | ve | S2/128 | Mini thumbnail |
9 | ve | S1/64 | Text (optional) |
<g> <vn>Colour</vn> <vc>010</vc> <ve> <1>red</1> <2>020</2> <3>1234567890</3> <4>12345678</4> <5>image-red.jpg</5> <6>image-red.jpg</6> <9>Text for the red version</9> </ve> <ve> <1>green</1> <2>021</2> <3>1234568990</3> <4>12345689</4> <5>image-green.jpg</5> <6>image-green</6> <9>Text for the green version</9> </ve> </g>
(The line breaks are not part of the format and are only for better readability.)
This field contains in compact form ("matrix") the allowed combinations of variation values and the corresponding product numbers. The values of the first variation correspond to the columns and the values of the second variation to the rows. The cells of the matrix contain either the number of the product belonging to the combination or an empty value if there is no matching product for the combination.
Example: The first variant is "size" and has the values "S", "M" and "L", the second variant is "color" and has the values "red" and "green".
Then the matrix could look like this:
S | M | L | |
red | 1234-s-r | 1234-m-r | 1234-l-r |
green | 1234-s-g | 1234-l-g |
In the actual field value of "VariationsOverviewMatrix", the variation values are omitted, the columns are separated by "|" characters, and the rows are separated by a ">" character.
So for the example above, the field value is as follows:
An escape mechanism for the "|" and ">" characters is not provided, i.e. when using the "garment module", these characters must not appear in product numbers.
Garment module and PRD files
When using the garment module with two variants, the lines in the PRD file must be sorted according to the values of the first variant. The order (e.g. ascending or descending) is not relevant, it is only important that lines with the same variation values are together.
Example "correct":
$Var_Size<TAB>$Var_Colour S<TAB>red S<TAB>blue L<TAB>red L<TAB>blue L<TAB>yellow
Example "false":
$Var_Size<TAB>$Var_Colour S<TAB>red L<TAB>red S<TAB>blue L<TAB>blue L<TAB>yellow
InstantVoucherProduct/voucher products
In this field the data for voucher products are passed, i.e. of products with which a customer can buy vouchers in the shop.
Tag | Subelement/ -tag from | Allowed characters/ | Meaning |
g | - | S1 | Frames the remaining tags |
1 | g | S1/1 | "y": voucher product is active "n": voucher product is inactive or no voucher product. All other fields are ignored. |
2 | g | S1 | The batch ID |
3 | g | S1/1 | "y": The value of the voucher corresponds to the product price. Any existing template value or voucher value from a pool will be overwritten. "n": The value of the voucher is the template value or the voucher value from a pool |
4 | g | S1/1 | "y": Voucher number is to be newly generated "n": voucher number is to be taken from an existing voucher number pool |
Example: <g><1>y</1><2>purchase vouchers</2><3>y</3><4>y</4></g>
Types of free fields
In addition to the name, a "type" can also be specified when creating a free field in the WSPManager.
For the types "Text Enumeration" and "Meta Field" the format of the fields must be observed, all other types can contain any text.
Text enumeration
The individual points of the enumeration must be framed with <g></g>.
Example:<g>item 1</g><g>item 2</g>
Meta field
A meta field allows you to write multiple product attributes in a single field, these attributes can then be displayed individually in the shop.
The individual values are each framed by tags formed from the sequential number of the product attribute.
Product data and variation values for dependent variants (PRD files)
A separate PRD file must be created for each product with dependent variants. The contents of the file are the values of the dependent variants and the variant product data. The name and directory of the file corresponds to the one entered in the "DepVarFile" field in the wpupdate.csv/wpcomplete.csv file.
Variation values
The variation values are passed in columns whose heading starts with the prefix "$Var_". So the different values for the variation "Size" would be in the column "$Var_ Size" for example.
For each variation specified in the "DepVariations" field of wpupdate.csv/wpcomplete.csv, there must be a corresponding column in the PRD file of the product.
Important: The order of the "$Var_" columns must be the same as in the "DepVariations" field of wpupdate.csv/wpcomplete.csv. So if "DepVariations" contains e.g. contains the value "<g><vn>vn1</vn></g><g><vn>vn2</vn></g>" then in the PRD file the column "$Var_vn1" must be before resp. left of the column "$Var_vn2".
Note that the order in which the variation values are placed in the PRD file also determines the order in which the values are offered for selection in the online shop.
"Unused" variation values
Occasionally, some of the variations may be skipped in the shop.
Ex: You offer cell phones in your shop, either with contract or without contract. One of the dependent variants would have the values "With contract" and "Without contract". Other variants would be "Network" (e.g. "T-Mobile") and "Color". As soon as the customer selects the variation entry "Without contract", it no longer makes sense to ask him for the desired network. In this case, this variation should not even be displayed in the shop; the customer should only have to select the desired color.
For such cases the special value "$_$" can be imported for a variation value to mark it as unused.
The relevant part of the PRD file for this case could look like this, for example:
$Var_Contract<TAB>$Var_Net<TAB>$Var_Colour ... With contract<TAB>T-Mobile<TAB>Colour<TAB>green ... With contract<TAB>Vodafone<TAB>Colour<TAB>red ... Without contract<TAB>$_$<TAB>Colour<TAB>green ... Without contract<TAB>$_$<TAB>Colour<TAB>red ...
Note that you cannot mix the "$_$" value with other, normal variation entries. So the following lines in the example file above would be incorrect:
With contract<TAB>$_$<TAB>Colour<TAB>green ... With contract<TAB>T-Mobile<TAB>Colour<TAB>red ...
The values for the first variation are the same in these two lines. Since the value "$_$" is used for the second variation, this value must be used for all lines that have "Without contract" as value for the first variation.
If "$_$" is to be used as value for the third or a following variation, this logic applies analogously.
Deviating product data
In addition to the variation values, the PRD file can also contain (from the data in the wpupdate.csv/wpcomplete.csv) deviating product data. The column headings and data formats in the PRD file correspond to those in the wpupdate.csv/wpcomplete.csv.
If there is a column with a product data field, the values specified there will overwrite those specified in the wpupdate.csv/wpcomplete.csv as soon as the customer has selected the corresponding variation entry in the shop. This is true even if the value is empty!
If you do not want the value from the wpupdate.csv/wpcomplete.csv to be overwritten for individual entries in the PRD file, you can achieve this by entering a hyphen ("-") as the value.
A few product data fields are excluded from use in PRD files:
Finally, there is a field "VarIndex" in the PRD file whose meaning is analogous to the field "Prodindex" in the file wpupdate.csv/wpcomplete.csv. The content of this field must be unique subshop-wide.
$Var_Size<TAB>$Var_Colour<TAB>VarIndex<TAB>Number<TAB>Image<CRLF> S<TAB>red<TAB>123-s-r<TAB>123-s-r<TAB>red.jpg<CRLF> L<TAB>red<TAB>123-l-r<TAB>123-l-r<TAB>red.jpg<CRLF> S<TAB>blue<TAB>123-s-b<TAB>123-s-b<TAB>blue.jpg<CRLF> L<TAB>blue<TAB>123-l-b<TAB>123-l-b<TAB>blue.jpg<CRLF> L<TAB>yellow<TAB>123-l-g<TAB>123-l-g<TAB>-<CRLF>
In this example, the product numbers and the product images are adjusted to the selected variation entry. For the entry L/yellow "-" is entered as value, which means if this entry is selected, then the image entered in the wpupdate.csv/wpcomplete.csv file is displayed in the shop.
A maximum of 100000 dependent variants can be imported for a product. However, it is recommended to stay well below this limit, because the online shop already becomes noticeably slower with more than 10000 dependent variants, i.e. the customer in the shop has to wait more or less long after each selection until the displayed page is updated.
Deleting product data (wpdelete.csv)
This file contains products that should be deleted from the subshop. The file contains a single column named "ProdIndex".
Product category assignments
Create and modify (catupdate.csv/catcomplete.csv)
These files contain the assignments of the products to the categories in the subshop. When importing the catupdate.csv file, only the content of the categories listed in the file is updated. The content of all other categories remains unchanged. On the other hand, when importing the catcomplete.csv file, the content of the categories for which no data is provided in the file is deleted, i.e. this file must contain all the product-category assignments for the subshop.
The format of the two files is identical, they contain the following fields:
Name | Description | Allowed characters/ | Required field |
CatIndex | The index of the category to which products should be assigned. | S1/64 | yes |
ProdIndex | The index of the product to be assigned to the category. | S1/64 | yes |
Order | An optional number to specify the order of products in the category. If this field is present and filled, products will be sorted in ascending order by this number. | I | no |
CatIndex<TAB>ProdIndex<CRLF> cat-1<TAB>prod-1<CRLF> cat-1<TAB>prod-2<CRLF> cat-1<TAB>prod-3<CRLF> cat-2<TAB>prod-2<CRLF> cat-2<TAB>prod-3<CRLF> cat-2<TAB>prod-5<CRLF>
If data is supplied for a category, then all mappings must be supplied. Assignments that are not present in the file will be deleted from the category.
An explicit specification of the order is optional, if the field "Order" is missing the products will be read into the shop in the order they are in the file.
For the products existing in a catcomplete.csv, the associated product data must be supplied in the wpcomplete.csv (and any necessary PRD files).
For the products present in a catupdate.csv, the associated product data must be supplied in the wpupdate.csv and (possibly necessary PRD files), if the products are not already present in the shop.
If possible it is recommended to import the data of the products existing in the catupdate.csv nevertheless always with the associated wpupdate.csv file. An advantage of this approach is that the import is faster, because access to individual products in the shop is slower than to the product data in the import files.
Furthermore, it is a difficult task for the system that creates the import files to keep track of which products are already in the shop, so errors can easily occur that lead to missing products in the shop.
Deleting product category assignments (catdelete.csv)
This file makes it possible to delete all product assignments from a category without having to re-read all assignments with the file catcomplete.csv. This is not possible with catupdate.csv, because the content of categories that do not appear in this file remains unchanged.
The file contains a single column named "CatIndex", which contains the category index of those categories from which all products should be removed.
Category data (catcomplete.xml)
You can either maintain the category data in the WSPManager or import it via the "catcomplete.xml" file. Which of the two options is active is determined during activation. If you want to switch from manual maintenance to import (or vice versa), you have to contact WEBSALE AG.
In the case of the maintenance of the category data with the WSPManager this must take place on the same PC on which also the import takes place.
In case of the import solution the file "catcomplete.xml" must contain the complete category structure of the shop. Categories that are not in this file will be deleted during the import.
As the only import file, the "catcomplete.xml" has an XML format, because this format is more compact for hirarchical structures with many optional fields.
The root element of the file is called "categories", below it is the element "menucategories" and the optional element "nomenucategories". Below "menucategories" are the "category" elements with the actual category data.
Below "nomenucategories" the data of the "Happy Hour" categories can be passed. Other categories should not be there.
Category data is passed as attributes or as sub-elements of the "category" tag. Subcategories are also imported as subelements.
The "category" tag has the following attributes:
Name | Description | Allowed characters/ | Required field |
index | The category index, i.e. a unique ID for the category, e.g. "775-1397". Please note that a category index must not contain comma (",") or pipe ("|") characters. The use of special characters (ASCII code>127) and spaces is allowed but not recommended. | S1/64 | yes |
name | The name of the category, e.g. "Clothing". | S1/64 | yes |
type | The following values are possible: image: the category is imported as a separator graphic, i.e. as a category without products or subcategories, which is only used to visually design the product menu. link: The category will be imported as an HTML link, i.e. when clicking on the category, a page outside the shop will be displayed, e.g. " ”. event: The category will be imported as "Happy Hour" category (see also '"Happy Hour" category') If no value is given for "type", a normal category will be created, i.e. a category that can contain products and subcategories. | no |
The following (optional) sub-elements can be included in the "category" tag:
Name | Description | Definition |
imgopen | Navigation graphic opened | S2/128 |
imgclosed | Navigation graphic closed | S2/128 |
imgselected | Navigation graphic selected | S2/128 |
imgadvnav | Enhanced navigation image | S2/128 |
imgoverview | overview image | S2/128 |
descr | Description | S1/1000 |
longdescr | Long description | S1/4000 |
prodtemplate | Design file (single product) | S2/128 |
template | Design file (list) | S2/128 |
trsearch | Different category name for TopRank | S1/64 |
eventrotationtime | Only for Happy Hour: number of hours after which the products should be rotated | I/3 |
eventproducts | Only for Happy Hour: number of products visible at the same time | I/3 |
target | Only for categories of type "link": The "target" attribute used in the "<a href..." HTML tag of the link | S2/128 |
url | Only for categories of type "link": The URL to be called when the category is clicked on | S2/128 |
hide | Hide in shop menu y/n (y=yes), default: n | - |
test | Test mode y/n (y=yes), default: n. Categories in test mode are not active in the shop, i.e. they are treated by the shop as if they did not exist. With an addition in the call URL (...&test=on) of the shop these categories can be shown for test purposes. | - |
froogle | For Froogle/PricePush use y/n (y=yes) def: y | - |
validfrom | Date/time from when the category should be displayed in the shop, format:YYYYMMDDhhmmss | - |
validuntil | Date/time until which the category should be displayed in the shop, format:YYYYMMDDhhmmss | - |
usergroupproduct | Comma-separated list of product customer groups for which the category is visible. The indices of the groups must be passed (e.g. "1,2") not the names of the groups as configured in the WSPManager. The index is simply the number (counted from 1) in the list of groups as it is displayed in the WSPManager under Shop settings/Customer groups. | S1/4000 |
teaserlist | An additional list of "teaser" products that should be displayed or highlighted for this category. The teaser products do not need to be assigned to the category via catupdate.csv/catcomplete.csv, furthermore they can be assigned an image that differs from the normal product image. Format: The image and category index fields are optional. If an image is specified then the associated image file must be stored in the directory ".../user/navigation/graphics". The category index only needs to be specified if the product is assigned to multiple categories and a specific category is to be opened when the product is clicked. Since catcomplete.xml is an XML file, the "<" characters must either be replaced by "<" or the entire field must be enclosed in <![CDATA[...]]>. Example 1: Example 2: | max. 10 products |
css-name | Style sheet file to use for the category | S2/128 |
freefield1 ... freefield20 | Free fields for the category, which can be displayed with the tags ~Cat-FreeField1~ ... ~Cat-FreeField10~ can be displayed in a template. | S1/4000 |
filter | Defines if and which filters are offered for the category in the online shop. Possible values: n: Offer no filters | S1/1 |
filter1 ... filter10 | If the value of "filter" is set to "y", then the names of the fields that are offered for filtering can be specified here. For this purpose, use the "technical field names" as they are also used when importing the product data. Ex: | S1/64 |
realindex | With this field it can be achieved that in a category the products of another category are displayed. For this purpose, the category index of the category from which the products are to be taken is entered in "realindex". No further products can be assigned to a category for which a "realindex" is set ("Virtual category"). | S1/64 |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?> <categories> <nomenucategories> <category index="happyhour" name="Happy-Hour" type="event"></category> </nomenucategories> <menucategories> <category index="1775-1397" name="Clothing"> <imgopen>open.gif</imgopen> <category index="1775-1398" name="Trousers"></category> <category index="1775-1399" name="Pullover"></category> </category> </menucategories> </categories>
Hidden categories
The import of hidden categories is done in the same way as the import of categories that should be displayed in the shop menu, with the one difference that for these categories in the sub-element "hide" the value "y" must be passed.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?> <categories> <menucategories> <category index="654321" name="Show in Menu"></category> <category index="123456" name="Do not show in Menu"> <hide>y</hide> </category> </menucategories> </categories>
In this example the category "Show in Menu" is shown in the shop menu, the category "Do not show in Menu" is not shown.
Stocks (amountupdate.csv)
This file contains the stock levels for the products. Unlike most other import files, this file is imported only once per shop, so it applies to all subshops.
The background is the consideration that products offered in different subshops are usually in the same warehouse. If the stock would be managed per subshop, the shop would calculate with an incorrect stock.
A shop has the two subshops "German" and "English", the product "abc" has a stock of "5". If the stock in the two subshops were managed separately, 10 pieces of the product "abc" could be sold in the online shop, although only 5 pieces are available.
If the stock management is to be separated for different subshops, this can be achieved by giving the products different stock item numbers for each subshop, e.g. "abc-german" for the German subshop and "abc-english" for the English subshop.
The file contains the following fields:
Field name | Allowed characters/ | Meaning/Format |
StoreId | S4/64 | Product index or stock item number |
Amount | I/7 | The available quantity |
Notification | I/7 | The "notification stock", i.e. a stock level below which the shop operator will be notified. |
OpenOrder | I/7 | The "OpenOrder stock" of the product. This field is optional. If the column is completely missing from the import file, the existing OpenOrder inventory will remain unchanged. |
Customer dependent prices
Create and modify customer dependent prices (c-priceupdate.csv/c-pricecomplete.csv)
These two files contain the customer dependent prices of a subshop. Normally they are imported together with the product data, but they can also be read in independently of these files.
Optionally, this file can also be used to import the normal, non-customer-dependent prices and scale prices. This can be useful if the readout of the prices from the exporting system takes a lot of time and it therefore makes sense for performance reasons to import changed product data without the associated (unchanged) prices.
When importing the c-priceupdate.csv file, only the prices that appear in the import file are updated, the rest remains unchanged.
On the other hand, when importing a c-pricecomplete.csv, all customer-dependent prices that are not included in the file are deleted.
The files contain the following fields:
Field name | Allowed characters/ | Meaning/Format |
ProdIndex | S1/64 | Product index |
Price | F/8 | Price |
Quantity | I/7 | Quantity from which the price is to apply |
Customer | S1/64 | An ID for the customers to whom the price should apply. This ID can be either the customer number of a single customer or a price group (corresponds to the "OPriceGroup" field in the customer data). |
CustomerType | Valid values: 1,2 | This flag indicates whether "Customer" contains a price group (=1) or a customer number (=2). For any other value the entry in "Customer" will be ignored. |
Even if customer-dependent prices are assigned via the customer number, the "PriceGroup" field in the customer data must be filled in order to activate the customer-dependent prices. The concrete value for the "PriceGroup" field is irrelevant in this case.
General remarks
If for an item both prices for a specific customer number and prices for a price group are specified: In this case, the prices specified for the customer number will be used when a customer logs in who has the matching customer number and belongs to the corresponding price group.
For each customer/prodindex combination in the file there should be an entry with Quantity=0.
If customer-dependent prices for dependent variants are to be imported, then a price for the variants must also be specified in the associated PRD file.
When a product is deleted, the (customer-dependent) prices of the product are always deleted as well.
Remarks to the optional import of non-customer dependent prices
The import of non-customer dependent prices via the c-price* files must be enabled by WEBSALE AG.
When importing non-customer dependent prices the field "Customer" must remain empty, for CustomerType the value "0" must be passed.
Remark for update of existing prices
For the update, all fields except "Price" are considered as key fields, i.e. if all these fields match an already existing entry in the price table, the price will be updated, otherwise a new entry will be created in the price table.
A c-pricecomplete.csv with the following content is imported:
ProdIndex<TAB>Price<TAB>Quantity<TAB>Customer<TAB>CustomerType 123<TAB>9.99<TAB>0<TAB>abc<TAB>1 123<TAB>9.50<TAB>3<TAB>abc<TAB>1
Then a c-priceupdate.csv with this content is imported:
ProdIndex<TAB>Price<TAB>Quantity<TAB>Customer<TAB>CustomerType 123<TAB>10.00<TAB>0<TAB>abc<TAB>1 123<TAB>9.00<TAB>5<TAB>abc<TAB>1
Then the price table of the shop would have the following content afterwards:
ProdIndex<TAB>Price<TAB>Quantity<TAB>Customer<TAB>CustomerType 123<TAB>10.00<TAB>0<TAB>abc<TAB>1 123<TAB>9.50<TAB>3<TAB>abc<TAB>1 123<TAB>9.00<TAB>5<TAB>abc<TAB>1
For the entry with Quantity "0", the price was changed from 9.99 to 10.00 because the import file contained a row where ProdIndex, Quantity, Customer and CustomerType matched an entry already in the price table.
The entry with Quantity "5" was newly added to the table because no matching entry was found.
Finally, the entry with Quantity "3" remained unchanged from the first import.
Deletion of customer dependent prices (c-pricedelete.csv)
The c-pricedelete.csv file contains the customer dependent prices to be deleted.
The file contains the following fields:
Field name | Allowed characters/ | Meaning/Format |
ProdIndex | S1/64 | Product index |
Customer | S1/64 | see c-priceupdate.csv/c-pricecomplete.csv |
CustomerType | Allowed values: 1,2 | see c-priceupdate.csv/c-pricecomplete.csv |
If the Customer field is empty, all prices of the specified product will be deleted, otherwise only those of the customer matching Customer/CustomerType.
Deleting prices for a customer will delete all scale prices for the customer. Explicit deletion of a specific scale price (e.g. the price for quantity 5 of customer "abc") is not provided.
If in an import file both a line with an empty customer field and a line with a filled customer field appear, all prices of the product will be deleted.
The c-pricedelete.csv is read before the c-priceupdate.csv, so that prices can be deleted first and then inserted again.
Online prices
"Online prices" are intended for products whose price changes frequently, in the import files wpupdate.csv or wpcomplete.csv they are marked by setting the field "OnlinePrice" to the value "y".
similar to the customer-dependent prices, the online prices can be imported independently from the rest of the product data, furthermore the price changes that occur during the order process are handled specially by the shop.
As far as the import is concerned, there are the following differences between the "Online prices" and the "Customer dependent prices":
Online prices cannot be customer dependent
There is no quantity dependency
The product number is used for addressing instead of the product index
All import files for online prices are stored in the import directory of the subshop.
Creating and changing online prices
When importing the onlinepriceupdate.csv file, only the prices that appear in the import file are updated, the rest remains unchanged.
On the other hand, when importing an onlinepricecomplete.csv, all customer-dependent prices that are not included in the file are deleted.
The files contain the following fields:
Field name | Allowed characters/ | Meaning/Format |
Number | S1/64 | Product number |
Price | F/8 | Price |
Deleting online prices (onlinepricedelete.csv)
When importing the onlinepricedelete.csv, all online prices that are in the file are deleted.
The file contains the following field:
Field name | Allowed characters/ | Meaning/Format |
Number | S1/64 | Product number |
An implicit deletion of online prices does not take place, i.e. if a product is deleted from the shop via wpdelete.csv, the online prices are still preserved.
The file onlinepricedelete.csv is read before the files onlinepriceupdate.csv and onlinepricecomplete.csv, so that prices can be deleted and created again during an import.
Combinations for the dependent search (depsearchcomplete.csv)
Note: It is generally not necessary to generate the import file described below if you want to use the "dependent search" function in your shop. Normally it is sufficient to configure the free fields to be used for the dependent search in the WSPManager and then import only the product data as usual.
You only need to import the dependent search if you want to specify yourself the possible combinations of field values that the customer can select in the shop.
You offer spare parts for cars in your shop, as free fields for the dependent search you use "Manufacturer" and "Model series". A certain spare part (e.g. a lamp) fits now for the manufacturer/model series "Alfa Romeo"/"145", "Alfa Romeo"/"146", "Seat"/"Ibiza" and "Seat"/"Malaga".
Since in the above example the values for the H4 lamp in the Manufacturer field are "Alfa Romeo, Seat" and in the Model Series field "145, 146", there is no apparent assignment of which combinations of manufacturer and model series are valid in each case. If you now let the shop generate the selection lists, then if you select the value "Alfa Romeo" in the "Manufacturer" list box, the "Model series" list box would contain the value "Alfa Romeo".if you now leave it to the shop to generate the selection lists, if you select the value "Alfa Romeo" in the "Manufacturer" list box, the values "145", "146", "Ibiza" and "Malaga" would be displayed in the "Model series" list box due to the missing assignment.
If you now want the selection of "Seat" to show only the model series matching this make
("Ibiza" and "Malaga") are displayed, you have to import permissible combinations yourself.
Structure of the import file
Unlike most other import files, the field names of this file are not fixed. Instead, the column headings correspond to the technical field names of the free fields to be used for the dependent search.
The import file for the above example might look like this:Manufacturer<TAB>Model Series
Alfa Romeo<TAB>145
Alfa Romeo<TAB>146
Activation of the import in the WSPManager
The WSPManager needs to know if you want the combination possibilities to be determined automatically or if you want to import the combination possibilities. For this reason, if you want to use the import, you must check the checkbox "Dependent search"/"Import of allowed combinations" in the WSPManager under "Shop settings"/"Divers".
Even if you use the import function for the combination option, you must still import the associated values of the free fields in the product data, otherwise products will not be found in the shop!
Note that you can also enter (comma-separated) lists of values in the free fields, so that a product is found for several different search terms (in the example above, for example, the lamp is found when searching for "Alfa Romeo" and when searching for "Seat").
Product dependent delivery costs (deliveryupdate.csv/deliverydelete.csv)
With the help of these two import files it is possible to calculate your shipping costs by WEBSALE product-exactly.
The calculation refers to:
The order quantity of a shipping group or article number
The shipping costs (country-dependent and supplier-dependent)
The postal code of the recipient (optional)
Structure of the file deliveryupdate.csv
Field name | Permitted characters/ | Meaning/Format |
Number | S1/64 | The article number or shipping group |
Subshop | S1/64 | The subshop, in case of connected subshops the data subshop must be specified here |
Quantity | F/8 | The quantity from which the costs should apply |
Amount | F/8 | The shipping cost |
StartZip | I/7 | StartZip and EndZip specify a postal code range. For example, if you specify "90000" for StartZip and "99999" for EndZip, the shipping costs specified will apply only to northern Bavaria. |
EndZip | ||
DelivererId | S1/64 | The deliverer ID as it is entered in shop.config. |
DeliveryGroup | S1/64 | (Customer) delivery group, makes it possible to make the product-dependent delivery costs additionally customer-dependent (optional) |
Structure of the file deliverydelete.csv
The file contains the following fields:
Field name | Meaning/Format |
Number | The meaning of the fields corresponds to those in the deliveryupdate.csv. "StartZip" and "DeliveryGroup" are again optional. |
Subshop | |
Quantity | |
StartZip | |
DelivererId | |
DeliveryGroup |
Discount groups
With the help of discount groups, (groups of) products can be assigned quantity- or price-dependent discounts. Optionally, these discounts can also be made customer-dependent.
The associated files are stored in the import directory of the shop or subshop. If the file is in the import directory of the shop, it applies to all subshops. If it is in the directory of a subshop, it applies only to that subshop. If there is a discount.csv in both the shop directory and the subshop directory, the subshop file is used.
Customer independent discount groups (discount.csv)
Field name | Meaning/Format |
DiscountId | An ID for the discount group. The value specified here must be the same as the one imported in the DiscountId field of the product data (see the "Standard fields" chapter). |
Type | 1: The "Amount" field contains a quantity from which the discount will be granted 2: The "Amount" field contains a price |
Discount | The discount in percent to be granted |
Amount | The amount or the price from which the discount should be granted (see Type) |
ValidFrom | Date/time from which the discount should be valid (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) |
ValidUntil | Date/time until which the discount should be valid (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) |
The entries in this file are read by the shop from top to bottom, the last matching entry determines the discount to be used.
This specifically means that lines with higher "Amount" values must be written below lines with lower amounts. Similarly, lines where the ValidFrom or ValidUntil fields are filled must be written below lines where these fields are not filled.
Customer dependent discount groups
If you want to offer different discounts depending on which customer has logged in, you have to generate a separate file for each (customer) discount group.
The name of the file is "discount_" + customer discount group + ".csv". For example, if you have used the customer discount group "abc" in the customer data, then the file would be named "discount_abc.csv ".
How to assign customers to a customer discount group is explained in the documentation "Customer data PRO".
The structure of the files for customer-dependent discount groups is identical to the structure of the customer-independent files, as is the directory.
Deleting discount group files
Once imported, files cannot be deleted, but you can overwrite them with empty files or files that contain only one header line.
Customer dependent product numbers
Creating and changing customer dependent product numbers (custpnumbersupdate.csv/custpnumberscomplete.csv)
Customer-dependent product numbers can be used to display customer-dependent product numbers in the shop for registered customers, which differ from the product numbers in the product data.
When importing the custpnumbersupdate.csv file, only the product numbers that are in the import file are updated or created, the rest remains unchanged.
When importing a custpnumberscomplete.csv, on the other hand, all customer-dependent product numbers not contained in the file are deleted.
The files contain the following fields:
Field name | Allowed characters/ | Meaning/Format |
CustomerNumber | S1/64 | The customer number of the customer |
OrigProductNumber | S1/64 | The product number as it is stored in the product data |
CustomerProductNumber | S1/64 | The product number to be displayed for the customer in the shop |
Only one customer-dependent product number (CustomerProductNumber) can be imported per customer number and per original product number (OrigProductNumber). If there are several lines for the same customer and the same product in the import file, only the last line will be taken over.
The customer-dependent product numbers must also be imported in the "CustomerProductNumbers" field in the product data (wpupdate.csv/wpcomplete.csv).
Deleting customer dependent product numbers (custpnumbersdelete.csv)
The file "custpnumbersdelete.csv" can be used to delete entries that were created with the files "custpnumbersupdate.csv" or "custpnumberscomplete.csv".
The file contains the following fields:
Field name | Permitted characters/ | Meaning/Format |
CustomerNumber | S1/64 | The customer number of the customer or "*". |
OrigProductNumber | S1/64 | The product number as it is stored in the product data or "*". |
If there is a "*" for CustomerNumber in the file, all entries stored in the shop with the specified OrigProductNumber will be deleted.
If there is a "*" for OrigProductNumber in the file, all entries stored in the shop with the specified CustomerNumber will be deleted.
If a customer or a product is deleted from the shop, the associated customer-dependent product numbers are not automatically deleted.
Miscellaneous shop parameters (parameter.ini)
For parameters that affect the import but do not fit into any of the other import files, there is the import file "parameter.ini". The file described in this section contains settings that affect all subshops (see also "Miscellaneous subshop parameters").
The structure of the file is the same as the other "INI" files of the shop, i.e. it is divided into sections containing name/value parameters:
<Inventory> ValidDateTime = 20060523163310 </Inventory>
The only valid section is currently "Inventory", the only valid parameter is "ValidDateTime". This parameter specifies the time to which the imported inventory data refers.
The format of the parameter is YYYYMMDDhhmmss so e.g. "20060523163310".
The reason for this parameter is that creating the stock import file, importing and transferring this data takes more or less time. During this process, orders may continue to arrive, so the stock finally set may differ from the actual one.
Example: At 14:05 the amount.dat is created, for the product xyz 5 pieces are still in stock at this time, but the stock for the product is actually set in the online shop at 14:15. At 14:13 a customer orders 4 pieces of the product, if the inventory is imported "normally", i.e. without specifying ValidDateTime, then 5 pieces would now be available in the shop, although (after delivery of the order of 14:13) only one piece is still in stock.
If in the above example "20090728140500" would be passed as "ValidDateTime", then when setting the stock at 14:15 all orders received between 14:05 and 14:15 would be subtracted from the stock, so the stock would be set to the correct value "1".
In order to use the function in the the parameter "SetOrderInventory-Allow" must be set to "yes" in the shop.config of the corresponding subshops in the section <Inventory>.
Miscellaneous subshop parameters (parameter.ini)
For parameters that affect the import but do not fit into any of the other import files, there is an import file called "parameter.ini". The file described in this section contains settings that affect a specific subshop (see also "Miscellaneous shop parameters").
The structure of the file is the same as the other "INI" files of the shop, i.e. it is divided into sections containing name/value parameters:
<Options> PreserveFields = CrossLinks </Options>
Section <Options>
In the "Options" section, currently the only valid parameter is "PreserveFields". This parameter can contain a comma-separated list of fields that should not be overwritten during import.
Note that this option only works for fields that are not used for searching, filtering, sorting or similar functions.
<ProductFields> section
The ProductFields section contains properties of product data fields that can be set via import. For each product data field for which properties are to be imported, the "ProductFields" section must contain a "Field" subsection.
<ProductFields> <Field> FieldName=Colour FilterSortSelect=Red,Green,Blue </Field> <Field> FieldName=Size FilterSortSelect=XS,S,M,L,X,XL,XXL </Field> </ProductFields>
The "Field" section can contain the following parameters:
Parameter | Meaning/Format |
FieldName | The technical field name, this parameter must be filled. |
FilterSortSelect | A comma-separated list of field values that specifies the order in which the values are displayed in the shop's filter list boxes. Example: Since the list is comma-separated, any commas present in the values must be "escaped". The escape mechanism is the same as used for URLs, i.e. an illegal character is replaced by "%" + the two-character hex code (in lower case) of the character code. Thus, a comma in a field value must be written in the form %2c. Besides the comma, the escape character "%" itself must be escaped as %25. The FilterSortSelect parameter is typically used for sorting sizes (e.g. XS,S,M,L) where alphabetical or numerical sorting results in an illogical order. |
If no parameter.ini is delivered during an import, the existing field settings remain unchanged.
To use the sorting specified under "FilterSortSelect", the sorting "List" must be set under "Settings for filter list boxes" (in the WSPManager) for the field to be sorted.
Special topics
"Happy Hour" products
For products in the "Happy Hour" category a time control is active, which ensures that only a part of the products is visible in the shop at any time. Furthermore, a "Happy Hour" discount can be applied to the products that are currently visible in the category.
Products are imported into the "Happy Hour" category by assigning them to the "happyhour" category in the catupdate.csv/catcomplete.csv file, furthermore in the wpupdate.csv/wpcomplete.csv file the "Event" field must be set to the value "y".
With the optional fields "EventProductNumber" and "EventDiscount" a different product number and discount can be specified which will be used when the product is displayed in the "Happy Hour" category.
The settings of the "Happy Hour" category itself can be changed when importing the catcomplete.xml file ("eventrotationtime" and "eventproducts").
"Happy Hour" category
The "Happy Hour" category settings can be imported along with the rest of the category data in the catcomplete.xml.
<categories> <nomenucategories> <category index="happyhour" name="Happy-Hour" type="event"> <eventrotationtime>3</eventrotationtime> <eventproducts>1</eventproducts> </category> </nomenucategories> ...
"eventrotationtime" specifies the number of hours after which the products should be rotated, "eventproducts" specifies the number of products visible at the same time.
Note that the category is in the "nomenucategories" section and that the "index" and "type" attributes have the values "happyhour" and "event" respectively.
Shopping cart category
Items assigned to the "shopping cart" category are automatically added to the shopping cart during the checkout process.
Products are imported into the "shopping cart" category by assigning them to the "autobasket" category in the catupdate.csv/catcomplete.csv file.
The following restrictions apply to the products:
The price must be 0.00.
No input should be required when ordering, i.e. the product must not have any variants or text input fields.
A maximum of 3 products can be assigned to the "Shopping Cart" category.
Since the shopping cart category does not support any settings such as templates or description and is not displayed in the shop menu, it does not need to be written in the catcomplete.xml.
The optional minimum order value, from which a product is added to the shopping cart, can be imported via the field "ABMinOrderVal" in the file wpupdate.csv/wpcomplete.csv.
Multiple images
It is possible to display so-called "multiple images" in the online shop in addition to the normal images. When displaying a product, these images are first displayed as a thumbnail, when you click on one of these thumbnails, it is displayed in normal size, replacing the original image.
In the WSPManager, a free field must be created for each multiple image and for each image size. If, for example, three multiple images are to be displayed (in addition to the normal image), then the fields
must be created.
The type of the free fields must be set to "Media image mini", "Media image small", "Media image normal" and "Media image large", respectively according to the size of the image.
The image files are stored like the normal product images in the directories ".../products/media/images/mini", ".../products/media/images/small", ".../products/media/images/normal" and ".../products/media/images/large".
In the free fields themselves there is then only the image name without path.
If less than (in this example) three multiple images are to be displayed for a product, the excess field names are simply left empty.
No longer existing products / no longer existing categories
"No longer existing products" and "No longer existing categories" are procedures for "link recovery" of deleted products and categories: They are used to prevent links to products or categories from "going nowhere" when products or categories are deleted.
Instead, calls to deleted products or categories can be redirected to other products or categories using these techniques.
To use the "Discontinued Products" feature you must import the "Discontinued" field in the import data with the value "y" during import. The product will then be deleted from the shop and calls to the product will be redirected to the category where the product was.
Alternatively, in the DiscontinuedSubstitute field, you have the option to specify the product index of a replacement product to which calls should be redirected.
A product needs and should be imported as "Discontinued" only once, note that all product data (including any existing variants and assignments to categories) must be supplied again in the process.
For the function "Discontinued categories" you do not need to change anything in the import data, it must only be activated by WEBSALE AG for your shop.
A call of a deleted category will be redirected to the next category, which is above the deleted category in the hierarchy and which still exists.
Both the function "No longer existing products" and the function "No longer existing categories " must be enabled by WEBSALE AG.
Service products
"Service products" are products that can no longer be ordered in the shop and are no longer assigned to a category, but can still be found via search and accessed via deep links.
The purpose of "Service Products" is to provide customers with information (e.g. technical data, download of manuals) about the products even when they are no longer sold in the shop.
"Service products" are imported by setting the "Service" field in the import data to the value "y". All data that should be displayed for the service product in the shop must be supplied again.
An assignment of a service product to a category is not necessary or not allowed.
It is sufficient to import a service product once, service products remain in the shop even with complete imports if no import data is supplied for them.
If a service product is to be deleted, this must be done explicitly via the import file wpdelete.csv.
The "Service products" function can be combined with the "No longer existing products" function. Note that in this case, however, the product index of the product is renamed by prefixing it with "sp_".
This renaming is necessary because otherwise a deep link to the service product would be redirected to the replacement category or product.
If a product should be "service product" and "discontinued" at the same time, the fields "service" and "discontinued" must also be set at the same time. I.e. it is not possible to import a product as "Service product" and set it to "discontinued" on a later import (or vice versa). Both flags must be set on the same import.
The function "Service products" must be enabled by WEBSALE AG.
Favourable time-dependent prices (BestPrices)
No time dependency can be specified in the "Best price" field (which contains the most favourable price for a product with variants). If time-dependent prices are used in a shop and this time dependency should also be taken into account when determining the best price, the "BestPrices" field can optionally be generated during import.
To do this, the parameter "CreateBestPrices" must be inserted in global.config:
<ProductImportPro> ... CreateBestPrices = yes </ProductImportPro>
The "BestPrices" field is then generated from the "AltPrices" and "Price" fields in the PRD files, from which the shop can determine the most favourable price for each point in time.
The actual import data does not need to be changed.
As this is a time-consuming process that extends the runtime of the import, the feature should only be activated if it is actually needed.
Protection against empty imports
In the file global.config in the directory "configuration" of the shop minimum values for the number of categories and (category assigned) products can be configured:
<ProductImportPro> ... MinCountCategories = 50 MinCountProducts = 1000 </ProductImportPro>
Before starting the import, a check is made for each subshop to see if the specified numbers are likely to be undercut after the import. If yes, then the import for the subshop will be aborted or not started at all.
During this pre-check only the files "catcomplete.xml", "catcomplete.csv" and "wpcomplete.csv" are checked. I.e. with delta imports the function does not take effect.
The purpose of the feature is to prevent the shop from being empty if incomplete data is imported by mistake.
Example files
The following sample files are part of this documentation, which you can download on the subordinate page:
Directory | Description |
bsp-happy-hour | Import products to "Happy Hour" category, set "Happy Hour" discount and item number |
bsp-auto-basket | Assigning items to the "basket" category |
bsp-complete | Complete import of category, product data and customer dependent prices |
bsp-abh-variants | Import of a product with dependent variants |
bsp-delivery | Import of product dependent shipping costs |
bsp-price | Import of (customer dependent) prices |
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Gutenstetter Str. 2, 90449 Nürnberg, +49 (0)911-63 221-0,,
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All content is published by WEBSALE AG for general information purposes only. However, we cannot guarantee the correctness, completeness and actuality of the contents.