WS-REST-OrderManagement (EN)
The following describes a REST-based interface that allows a WEBSALE shop to receive customer-specific orders from an ERP system in real time and display them to the customer/orderer in the shop. In particular, this interface is used to display all orders to the customer, i.e. including orders that were not placed in the shop but were placed by call center, letter or fax, for example. Furthermore, cancellations and returns can be transmitted to the ERP system.
If the ERP system is not directly accessible via the Internet, then WEBSALE AG can provide a VPN tunnel. Via this VPN tunnel the ERP system can establish a secure TCP/IP connection to the Internet.
REST functions
All functions listed here are called using POST. If successful, the ERP system returns the Http code 200.
Transferring a list of orders (header and optional item data)
The shop requests a list of purchase orders from the ERP system.
The ERP system returns a list of orders.
In the list, only part of the order data is transmitted. Usually, this is the header data.
Transfer of a single purchase order (header and item data)
The shop requests a single purchase order from the ERP system.
The ERP system returns the header and all item data of the order.
Transfer of a PDF file
The shop requests the PDF file from the ERP system.
The ERP system returns the PDF file.
The shop offers the PDF file to the customer as a download.
Cancellation/return of one or more items
The customer cancels/returns one or more items.
The shop sends the cancellation/return to the ERP system.
The ERP system confirms or rejects the cancellation/return.
Transfer of the last shop order number
The shop requests the last shop order number from the ERP system.
The ERP system returns the last shop order number.
Transfer of the stock level/branch stock of a single product
The shop requests the stock level for a single product.
The ERP system returns the stock level of the product.
Transfer of general customer data
The shop requests general customer data from the ERP system.
The ERP system returns the general customer data.
Exclusively encrypted retrieval
The web service is accessed exclusively via SSL. Unencrypted connections must be rejected on both sides (shop/ERP system).
UTF-8 encoding
All data is transferred in UTF-8 format.
The ERP system responds with an Http code not equal to 200 if it cannot deliver any data. This is given in the following cases, for example:
wrong REST password
unknown customer number
unknown ShopID/SubshopID
unknown type
internal error
The shop expects an error code given by the ERP system and an optional error message. Based on the error code, the designer can display language-dependent explanations/hint messages to the orderer. The optional error message is not used to display this to the orderer, but is used for logging in the log file. It can therefore be purely technical.
The error code must be unique and consistent in each response. Example:
0001: wrong REST password
0002: unknown customer number
0003: unknown ShopID
0004: unknown SubshopID
0005: unknown type
1000: internal error X
1001: internal error Y
1002: internal error Z
For example, if the ERP system returns the error code "0002", the following message could be displayed to the orderer:
"Dear Mr. Müller,
unfortunately we do not have any information about your customer number at the moment. Please contact us at telephone number XYZ or use our contact form (→ link to contact form)."
In addition, corresponding (code-dependent) graphics can be displayed.
Http code = 400
"ErrCode": 2,
"ErrMsg": "Unknown customer number"
Transfer of a list of orders
During the transfer, the ERP system provides the shop with
fixed data
any data
Request from the shop for a list of orders
Parameters | Max. Length | Required | Data type | Comment |
ShopID | 128 | yes | String | A unique shop ID. The shop ID is assigned by WEBSALE AG. |
Password | 128 | yes | String | The REST password. Is assigned by WEBSALE AG and must be checked by the ERP system. The ERP system must reject the request if the password is incorrect. |
SubshopID | 128 | yes | String | A unique subshop ID in which the data will be displayed. |
CustomerSubshopIDs | 128 per ID | yes | String array | List of valid subshops of the customer |
CustomerID | 64 | yes | String | A unique customer number |
BillCountry | 3 | no | String | Bill country ISO 3166 (e.g. DEU) of the customer, if known in the shop. |
Type |
| yes | Integer | A type that specifies the requested data. If "0", the ERP system returns all types that are available in the ERP system. The individual types are freely configurable in the shop and are specified by the ERP system. 1: Invoice Please note: Types 1000 to 1100 are reserved for internal purposes. |
MaxEntries |
| no | Integer | The max. number of list entries to be sent. If the parameter is missing or "0", the ERP system uses its own default value for the maximum list entries. |
DateFrom | 10 | no | String
Format: YYYY-MM-DD | An optional start date from which list items will be sent. |
DateUntil | 10 | no | String
Format: YYYY-MM-DD | An optional end date up to which the list entries are sent. |
SearchFilters |
| no | Filter array | Optional free search filters. Maximum 10 entries. |
Free search filters given by the ERP system
Optionally, up to 10 free search filters can be transferred to the ERP system. The possible filters and the corresponding codes are predefined by the ERP system.
"SearchFilters" : [
"Code": 1,
"Value": "FilterText"
"Code": 2,
"Value": "FilterText"
Parameters | Max. Length | Required | Data type | Comment |
Code | 16 | yes | String | The code of the search filter. The ERP system specifies which codes it supports. A code may only contain the characters a-z, A-Z and 0-9. |
Value | 128 | yes | String | The value to filter by. The maximum length that can be entered can be set/reduced by the designer. |
Request /GetOrderList:
"ShopID": "myshop",
"password": "1234567890",
"SubshopID": "German",
"BillCountry": "DEU",
"CustomerID": "1001",
"CustomerSubshopIDs": [
"MaxEntries": 10,
"SearchFilters": [
"code": "code01",
"Value": "1"
"Type": 1,
"DateFrom": "2020-03-02",
"DateUntil": "2020-03-08",
Response from ERP system
The ERP system returns fixed data to the shop and data that can be freely configured in the shop.
Fixed header data
Parameter | Max. Length | Required | Data type | Comment |
ID | 128 | yes | String | Unique ID of the order, e.g. the order number |
Type |
| yes | Integer | A type that specifies the data sent. The type is assigned/managed by the ERP system and is freely configurable in the shop. Example 1: Invoice |
FileAvailable |
| yes | Boolean | This parameter specifies whether a PDF file (e.g. the invoice/cancellation, etc.) is available for the order. "true or false |
ReturnsFileAvailable |
| no | Boolean | Only if return is registered. This parameter specifies whether a PDF file (e.g. returns label, etc.) is available when a return is logged in. "true or false |
CancellationFileAvailable |
| no | Boolean | Only if a cancellation is performed. This parameter specifies whether a PDF file is available when a cancellation is performed. "true or false |
BankTransferRefund |
| no | Boolean | Only in case of a possible return/cancellation. This parameter specifies whether in case of a possible return/cancellation the refund should be made by bank transfer and the bank details should be requested from the purchaser. "true" or "false". If true, the ERP system can send the customer's stored bank details to the shop. Then the bank fields are preset with these data. |
RefundBankName | 128 | no | String | Name of the bank for the refund |
RefundBankOwner | 128 | no | String | Account owner for the refund |
RefundBankIBAN | 128 | no | String | IBAN for refund |
RefundBankBIC | 128 | no | String | BIC for refund |
Header data freely configurable in the shop
A maximum of 1000 different header data H1...H1000 are supported in the shop.
The maximum length of a single record is 4096 characters.
The header data are freely configurable in the shop (optionally per type).
Example of a configuration file in the shop independent of the data type:
H1 = customer number
H2 = Order date
H3 = Order number
H4 = Invoice number
Parameter | Max. Length | Required | Data type | Comment |
Name | 5 | yes | String | The name of the header data field H1...H1000 |
Value | 4096 per Value | yes | String | One or more values assigned to the header data field. Please note: This parameter may occur a maximum of 10 times! |
Fixed position data
Parameter | Max. Length | Required | Data type | Comment |
PositionID | 128 | Yes | String | Unique ID of the position, e.g. the article number or consecutive position number |
OrderQuantity |
| Yes | Integer | Order quantity |
MaxReturns |
| Yes | Integer | Maximum number of possible returns. 0 = No returns possible |
PartReturns |
| Yes | Boolean | true=part returns possible false= no partial returns possible only "MaxReturns" possible Example: Example: |
MaxCancellations |
| Yes | Integer | Maximum number of pieces that can be cancelled. 0 = No cancellation possible |
PartCancellations |
| Yes | Boolean | true=part cancellations possible false= no partial cancellations possible only "MaxCancellations" possible. Example: Example: |
Freely configurable position data in the shop
A maximum of 1000 different position data P1...P1000 are supported in the shop.
The maximum length of a single data record is 4096 characters.
The position data are freely configurable in the shop (optionally per type).
Example of a configuration file in the shop independent of the data type:
P1 = Item number
P2 = Designation
P3 = Color
P4 = Weight
P5 = unit price
Parameter | Max. Length | Required | Data type | Comment |
Name | 5 | yes | String | The name of the position data field P1...P1000 |
Value | 4096 per Value | yes | String | One or more values assigned to the position data field. Please note: |
Response /GetOrderList:
"FileAvailable": true,
"HeadData": [
"Name": "H1",
"Value": "015552222"
"name": "H2",
"Value": "10.99"
"Name": "H3",
"Value": "19.99"
"ID": "90909009909009",
"Type": 1
Transfer of a single order
Request from the shop for a single order
Parameter | Max. Length | Required | Data type | Comment |
ShopID | 128 | yes | String | A unique shop ID. The shop ID is assigned by WEBSALE AG. |
Password | 128 | yes | String | The REST password. Is assigned by WEBSALE AG and must be checked by the ERP system. The ERP system must reject the request if the password is incorrect. |
SubshopID | 128 | yes | String | A unique subshop ID in which the orders will be displayed. |
CustomerSubshopIDs | 128 per ID | yes | String array | List of valid subshops of the customer |
CustomerID | 64 | yes | String | A unique customer number |
BillCountry | 3 | no | String | Bill country ISO 3166 (e.g. DEU) of the customer, if known in the shop. |
Type |
| yes | Integer | This value was supplied by the ERP system in the list and is returned here. |
ID | 128 | yes | String | This value was supplied by the ERP system in the list and is returned here. |
Request /GetOrder:
"ShopID": "myshop",
"Password": "1234567890",
"BillCountry": "DEU",
"CustomerID": "1001",
"CustomerSubshopIDs": [
"ID": "90909009909009",
"SubshopID": "German",
"Type": 1
Response from ERP system /GetOrder:
(See also header data and item data)
"Type": 0,
"ID": "90909009909009",
"FileAvailable": true,
"ReturnFileAvailable": false,
"CancellationFileAvailable": false,
"BankTransferRefund": true,
"HeadData": [
"name": H1,
"Value": CustomerNumber
"Name": H2,
"Value": Order Date
"Positions": [
"MaxCancellations": 0,
"MaxReturns": 1,
"OrderQuantity": 1,
"PartCancellations": true,
"PartReturns": false,
"PositionData": [
"name": "P1",
"Value": "Part Number"
"Name": "P2",
"Value": "Description"
"ItemID": "p0"
"MaxCancellations": 1,
"MaxReturns": 2,
"OrderQuantity": 2,
"PartCancellations": true,
"PartReturns": false,
"PositionData": [
"name": "P1",
"Value": "Part Number"
"PositionID": "p1"
Transfer of the possible reasons for cancellation/returns
Optionally, the ERP system can provide the possible reasons in the header data of the order, which the customer can select in the shop in case of a cancellation or a return.
This overwrites any reasons stored in the shop configuration.
To overwrite the cancellation reasons, the CancellationReasons array must be transferred.
To overwrite the return reasons, the ReturnReasons array must be transferred.
"Type": 0,
"ID": "90909009909009",
"FileAvailable": true,
"ReturnFileAvailable": false,
"CancellationFileAvailable": false,
"BankTransferRefund": true,
"CancellationReasons": [
"Code": 0,
"Text": "No Reason"
"Code": 1,
"Text": "Incorrectly ordered"
"ReturnReasons": [
"code": 0,
"text": "No Reason"
"Code": 1,
"Text": "Incorrectly ordered"
Parameter | Max. Length | Required | Data type | Comment |
Code |
| yes | Integer | The code of the reason |
Text | 1024 | yes | String | The readable text of the justification available for selection in the shop. |
Transfer of a PDF file
If, for example, an invoice is requested via PDF, the ERP system supplies all the data of an order:
complete invoice address
complete delivery address
all items of the order
Total amount
Payment method
Shipping method/deliverer
The shop transfers to the ERP system the unique ID of the order and the type that the ERP system sent in the order.
If a return is registered, then the ERP system can provide the shop with a PDF file (return label, etc.) and announces this to the shop in the header data.
"Type": 0,
"ID": "90909009909009",
"FileAvailable": true,
" ReturnFileAvailable": true,
"CancellationFileAvailable": false,
"BankTransferRefund": false,
The PDF file of a return is requested with type "1001".
If a cancellation is performed, then the ERP system can provide the shop with a PDF file (cancellation confirmation, etc.) and notifies the shop of this in the header data.
"Type": 0,
"ID": "90909009909009",
"FileAvailable": true,
"ReturnFileAvailable": false,
" CancellationFileAvailable": true,
"BankTransferRefund": false,
PDF file of a cancellation is requested with type "1002".
Request from the shop for a single order as PDF file
Parameter | Max. Length | Required | Data type | Comment |
ShopID | 128 | yes | String | A unique shop ID. The shop ID is assigned by WEBSALE AG. |
Password | 128 | yes | String | The REST password. Is assigned by WEBSALE AG and must be checked by the ERP system. The ERP system must reject the request if the password is incorrect. |
SubshopID | 128 | yes | String | A unique subshop ID in which the orders will be displayed. |
CustomerSubshopIDs | 128 per ID | yes | String array | List of valid subshops of the customer |
CustomerID | 64 | yes | String | A unique customer number |
BillCountry | 3 | no | String | Bill country ISO 3166 (e.g. DEU) of the customer, if known in the shop. |
Type |
| yes | Integer | This value was supplied by the ERP system in the list and is returned here. Please note: If a return PDF is available and the customer reports a return, then the shop sends the type "1001" and thus requests the return document. Similarly, if a cancellation has been performed, the type "1002" is transferred. |
ID | 128 | yes | String | This value was supplied by the ERP system and is returned here. |
Request /GetFile:
"BillCountry": "DEU",
"CustomerID": "1001",
"CustomerSubshopIDs": [
"ID": "90909009909009",
"Password": "1234567890",
"ShopID": "myshop",
"SubshopID": "German",
"Type": 1
Response from the ERP system as a PDF file
The ERP system returns the following data:
Parameter | Max. Length | Required | Data type | Comment |
FileName | 128 | yes | String | Name of the PDF file, e.g. 12345.pdf |
FileData | 2 MByte | yes | String | Base64 encoded PDF data |
Response from ERP system /GetFile:
"FileName": "1234567890.pdf",
"FileData": "Base64-encoded PDF data"
The file name should be generated as uniquely as possible by the ERP system, e.g. from the invoice number and the extension "pdf". It should not contain any special characters or spaces.
The file format does not necessarily have to be PDF. In principle, any format can be sent that has the widest possible distribution among Internet users. Currently, PDF is the best choice.
Cancellation/return of items of an order
As described above, the ERP system announces for each item whether and how many pieces can be cancelled/returned.
"Positions": [
"MaxCancellations": 0,
"MaxReturns": 2,
"OrderQuantity": 2,
"PartCancellations": false,
"PartReturns": true,
"PositionData": [
"name": "P3",
"Value": "asdf0000"
"PositionID": "1"
Thus, for example, a purchaser could cancel the first item and return the 2nd item if the 2nd item has already been shipped in a partial delivery.
An item can either be cancelled or returned. Both at the same time is not possible.
Cancellation per position
If the ERP system transfers the value "0", then no cancellation is offered. Otherwise a
Cancellation checkbox
Quantity input field, if MaxCancellations > 1
DropDown list for a reason
is offered.
Return per item
If the ERP system passes the value "0", then no return is offered. Otherwise a
Returns checkbox
Quantity input field, if MaxReturns > 1
DropDown list for a reason
is offered.
The shop optionally offers a freely configurable drop-down list for each item, by means of which the customer can specify a reason. A code is transmitted to the ERP system for this purpose.
Example for returns:
0=no reason given
1=don't like quality
2=wrong item delivered
3=delivered too late
The code and texts are given by the ERP system and stored in the shop.
Querying the bank details
If the ERP system reports to the shop that the bank details for the refund should be queried (BankTransferRefund=true), then 4 further input fields are used as required fields
Name of the bank
Account holder
will be displayed.
Sending a return or a cancellation to the ERP system
Parameter | Max. Length | Required | Data type | Comment |
ShopID | 128 | yes | String | A unique shop ID. The shop ID is assigned by WEBSALE AG. |
Password | 128 | yes | String | The REST password. Is assigned by WEBSALE AG and must be checked by the ERP system. The ERP system must reject the request if the password is incorrect. |
SubshopID | 128 | yes | String | A unique subshop ID in which the orders will be displayed. |
CustomerSubshopIDs | 128 per ID | yes | String array | List of valid subshops of the customer |
CustomerID | 64 | yes | String | A unique customer number |
BillCountry | 3 | no | String | Bill country ISO 3166 (e.g. DEU) of the customer, if known in the shop. |
ID | 128 | yes | String | This value was passed by the ERP system for the order and is returned here. |
PositionID | 128 | yes | String | This value was passed by the ERP system for the position and is returned here. |
CancelType |
| yes | Integer | 1=Cancellation 2=Return |
Quantity |
| Yes | Integer | Quantity/count per item to be returned/cancelled. |
ReasonCode |
| No | Integer | Code of the reason. |
RefundBankName | 128 | no | String | Name of the bank, if the refund is made by bank transfer |
RefundBankOwner | 128 | no | String | Account owner, if the refund is made by bank transfer |
RefundBankIBAN | 128 | no | String | IBAN, if the refund is made by bank transfer |
RefundBankBIC | 128 | no | String | BIC, if the refund is made by bank transfer |
Request /CancelOrder:
"ShopID": "myshop",
"Password": "1234567890",
"SubshopID": "German",
"BillCountry": "DEU",
"CustomerID": "1001",
"CustomerSubshopIDs": [
"ID": "90909009909009",
"RefundBankBIC": "BIC",
"RefundBankIBAN": "IBAN",
"RefundBankName": "BankName",
"RefundBankOwner": "AccountOwner",
"positions": [
"PositionID": "1",
"CancelType": 1,
"ReasonCode": 0,
"Quantity": 1
Please note:
Only the items that should be cancelled/returned are sent to the ERP system.
Response from ERP system
The ERP system returns all data (header and all item data) of the order.
Additional header data
In the header data, the ERP system can inform now and in later requests for this order that a return PDF file, or cancellation PDF file can be picked up.
Parameter | Max. Length | Required | Data type | Comment |
ReturnsFileAvailable |
| no | Boolean | Only if return has been registered. This parameter indicates whether a PDF file (e.g. return label etc.) is available for a registered return. "true or false |
CancellationFileAvailable |
| no | Boolean | Only if a cancellation has been performed. This parameter specifies whether a PDF file is available if a cancellation has been performed. "true or false |
Additional item data
The ERP system reports for each item which action was performed and whether the action was successful or not. These values should only be sent once. They should then be omitted for subsequent requests.
Parameter | Max. Length | Required | Data type | Comment |
CancelType |
| no | Integer | 1=Cancel |
CancelErrCode |
| no | Integer | An error code >0: Error (managed by the ERP system) |
CancelErrMsg | 1024 | no | String | An optional error message from the ERP system |
Please note:
If an item was successfully returned, the ERP system must set the values for
"MaxReturns": 0,
"PartReturns": false,
in this response (and all subsequent responses) accordingly, so that the orderer cannot return again. The same applies to a successful cancellation.
Also, from this point on, the ERP system should pass the date and time of the cancellation/return so that this information can be displayed to the orderer in subsequent queries.
Response (example: orderer has cancelled 2nd item and returned 3rd item) /CancelOrder:
"Type": 0,
"BankTransferRefund": true,
"FileAvailable": true,
"ID": "90909009909009",
"HeadData": [
"name": "H1",
"value": "CustomerNumber"
"positions": [
"MaxCancellations": 2,
"MaxReturns": 0,
"OrderQuantity": 2,
"PartCancellations": true,
"PartReturns": false,
"PositionData": [
"name": "P1",
"Value": "PartID"
"PositionID": "1"
"MaxCancellations": 0,
"MaxReturns": 0,
"OrderQuantity": 1,
"PartCancellations": false,
"PartReturns": false,
"CancelType": 1,
"CancelErrCode": 0,
"CancelErrMsg": "Position Cancelled Successfully",
"PositionData": [
"name": "P1",
"Value": "Item Number"
"PositionID": "2" },
"MaxCancellations": 0,
"MaxReturns": 0,
"OrderQuantity": 2,
"PartCancellations": false,
"PartReturns": false,
"CancelType": 2,
"CancelErrCode": 0,
"CancelErrMsg": "Return successfully registered",
"PositionData": [
"name": "P3",
"Value": "asdf0003"
"PositionID": "3"
Transfer of the last shop order number
In order for the shop to display the orders that have not yet been imported into the ERP system, it is necessary that the ERP system informs the shop of the last shop order number that the ERP system has imported or that is known to the ERP system.
The shop's request contains the following parameters:
Parameter | Max. Length | Required | Data type | Comment |
ShopID | 128 | yes | String | A unique shop ID. The shop ID is assigned by WEBSALE AG. |
Password | 128 | yes | String | The REST password. Is assigned by WEBSALE AG and must be checked by the ERP system. The ERP system must reject the request if the password is incorrect. |
SubshopID | 128 | yes | String | A unique subshop ID in which the orders will be displayed. |
CustomerSubshopIDs | 128 | yes | String array | List of valid subshops of the customer |
CustomerID | 64 | yes | String | A unique customer number |
BillCountry | 3 | no | String | Bill country ISO 3166 (e.g. DEU) of the customer, if known in the shop. |
Request from shop/GetLastOrderNumber:
"ShopID": "myshop",
"Password": "1234567890",
"SubshopID": "German",
"BillCountry": "DEU",
"CustomerID": "1001",
"CustomerSubshopIDs": [
Response from the ERP system for the last shop order number
The ERP system returns the following data:
Parameter | Max. Length | Required | Data type | Comment |
LastOrderNumber | 64 | yes | String | Shop order number |
Response from ERP system /GetLastOrderNumber:
"LastOrderNumber": "1234567890"
Transfer of a single stock (of a branch)
The request from the shop contains the following parameters:
Parameter | Max. Length | Required | Data type | Comment |
ShopID | 128 | yes | String | A unique shop ID. The shop ID is assigned by WEBSALE AG. |
Password | 128 | yes | String | The REST password. Is assigned by WEBSALE AG and must be checked by the ERP system. The ERP system must reject the request if the password is incorrect. |
SubshopID | 128 | yes | String | A unique subshop ID |
ProductNumber | 64 | yes | String | Item number |
BranchID | 64 | no | String | Optional branch ID |
The branch ID is optional. If no branch ID is transferred, the ERP system returns the stock level of the article with regard to the subshop. If a branch ID is transferred, then the ERP system returns the stock level with regard to the branch.
Request from shop /GetStockAmount:
"ShopID": "myshop",
"password": "1234567890",
"SubshopID": "German",
"ProductNumber": "1234567",
"BranchID": "123"
Response from the ERP system for the individual stock
The ERP system returns the following data:
Parameter | Max. Length | Required | Data type | Comment |
StockAmount |
| yes | Integer | Stock amount |
Response from ERP system /GetStockAmount:
"StockAmount": 100
Transfer of general customer data
This information is not about order data, but about general customer data, such as a customer's accumulated bonus points or discounts on a purchase.
The shop's request contains the following parameters:
Parameter | Max. Length | Required | Data type | Comment |
ShopID | 128 | yes | String | A unique shop ID. The shop ID is assigned by WEBSALE AG. |
Password | 128 | yes | String | The REST password. Is assigned by WEBSALE AG and must be checked by the ERP system. The ERP system must reject the request if the password is incorrect. |
SubshopID | 128 | yes | String | A unique subshop ID |
CustomerSubshopIDs | 128 per ID | yes | String array | List of valid subshops of the customer |
CustomerID | 64 | yes | String | A unique customer number |
Type |
| no | Integer | The possible values are defined by the ERP system. If the type is 0, then the ERP system returns all general data.
Please note: The types 1000 to 1100 are reserved for internal purposes
BillCountry | 3 | no | String | Bill country ISO 3166 (e.g. DEU) of the buyer, if known in the shop. |
Request from shop /GetCommonData:
"ShopID": "myshop",
"Password": "1234567890",
"SubshopID": "German",
"BillCountry": "DEU",
"CustomerID": "1001",
"CustomerSubshopIDs": [
"Type": 1
Response from ERP system for general data
The ERP system returns in the shop freely configurable data.
In the shop freely configurable data:
A maximum of 1000 different command data C1...C1000 are supported in the shop.
The maximum length of a single data record is 4096 characters.
Common data is freely configurable in the shop(optionally per type).
Example of a configuration file in the shop independent of the data type:
C1 = Bonus points
C2 = Customer specific discounts by calendar year
Parameter | Max. Length | Required | Data type | Comment |
Name | 5 | yes | String | The name of the command data field C1...C1000 |
Value | 4096 | yes | String | One or more values assigned to the command data field. Please note: |
Response from ERP system /GetCommonData:
"Name": "C1",
"Value": "100"
"Name": "C2",
"Value": [
"sales-based customer discount 2010: 5%",
"sales-based customer discount 2011: 12%",
"sales-based customer discount 2012: 5%",
"sales-based customer discount 2013: 12%"
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