REST Authentifizierung (EN)
API authentication
For each access to the WEBSALE API the user has to be authenticated. You can use your normal OSB credentials for this purpose.
If you would like to use separate credentials for the WEBSALE API or have problems with authentication, please contact our back office.
TOKEN request
For authentication the OSB login data and the ShopID have to be passed.
Property | Type | Description |
username | string | User ID which is also used for authentication in the OSB |
password | string | Password which is also used for authentication in the OSB |
In this example the user "websaleuser" is authenticated with the password "mypassword".
"username": "websaleuser",
"password": "meinpasswort"
If successful, a TOKEN is returned.
"token": "TOKEN"
Possible errors
Status code | Meaning | Description |
400 | Bad request | Transfer is not correct (formatting error/missing fields) or unknown action |
401 | Unauthorized | User has no permissions for the specified ShopID |
403 | Forbidden | Unknown or wrong login data |
423 | Locked | User was temporarily put on the blacklist because of multiple incorrect logins |
Curl example
The user "websaleuser" is to be authenticated for the ShopID "meinshop".
Use authorization token
The TOKEN is passed in the header for each subsequent call.
The generated token is only valid for a period of 30 minutes. As soon as it is no longer valid, all requests return the status code 401. If this is the case, a new token must be generated.
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