WS-Bestellgenerator (EN)
General services
In the following an order generator is described, with whose assistance automatized orders can be generated in the shop. The orders are placed via XML data.
The transfer of the order/XML data may take place by way of two methods:
Method 1: manual
The XML data are uploaded to a web application via an XML file and are ultimately processed. The web application here is operated manually. The XML file has a set name "orders.xml".
The transfer (uploading) of the file takes place with SSL encryption.
Users of this application must log-in to the shop beforehand and must have authorization for the order generator. The authorization (flag in the customer base) is assigned by the shop operator over the WEBSALE AG service area or by customer data import interface.
In the XML file a maximum of 1000 orders can be transferred at once.
Transfer of the data per XML file upload:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
... Data of the 1st Order ...
... Data of the 2nd Order ...
... Data of the 3rd Order ...
... Data of the 1000th Order (maximum number) ...
Method 2: automated
The XML data are Blowfish-encrypted and sent without a web application directly to the shop. In each case exactly one order can be given. The shop returns the results of the processing via XML response.
Transfer of XML data with Blowfish encryption:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
... Order Data ...
Range of functions
The XML order generator does not support all functions that are offered in shop, but only the functions described below. In particular, only offline payment methods can be used or online payment methods without client authentication (credit card clearing server-to-server and ELV). Payment methods such as PayPal or Direct Debit are not possible, since client authentication must occur here over the browser. With a successful order, a confirmation e-mail is sent to the given e-mail address.
and guest orders
The XML interface can be used for both existing users (with sign-in) and guest users (without sign-in).
Content of the XML data
Optional parameters can be given empty or can be completely omitted.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Orders> <!--(Only with file upload)-->
<Number>Product Number</Number>
<SetID>Compression Number</SetID>
<PIndex>Product Index of the Set Upper Article</PIndex>
<PVarIndex>Variation Index of the Set Upper Article</PVarIndex>
<CVarIndex-X> Variation Index of the Xth Set Sub Article</CVarIndex-X>
<index>Product Index of the Set Sub Article</index>
<varindex>Variation Index of the Set Sub Article</varindex>
<Price>Product price</Price>
<Length>Product length</Length>
<Width>Product width</Width>
<countryofproduction>Country or location of production</countryofproduction>
<Name>Variation Name</Name>
<Value>Variation Value</Value>
<Name> Variation Name</Name>
<Value> Variation Value</Value>
<!-- ... -->
<Name> Text Field Name</Name>
<Value>Text Field Value</Value>
<Name> Text Field Name</Name>
<Value> Text Field Value</Value>
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
<Code>Payment Method Code</Code>
<AccountHolder>Account Holder</AccountHolder>
<BankName>Name of Credit Institution</BankName>
<AccountNumber>Account No.</AccountNumber>
<BankCode>Bank Code</BankCode>
<Holder>Card Holder</Holder>
<BrandID>Card Type</BrandID>
<Number>Card No. Without Spaces </Number>
<ExpiryDate>Expiry Date</ExpiryDate>
<VerificationCode>Card Verification Code</VerificationCode>
<Code>Delivery Code</Code>
<ID>Delivery Service ID</ID>
<ResellerSurcharge>Reseller Surcharge</ResellerSurcharge>
<Reference>Reference Text 1</Reference>
<Reference2>Reference Text 2</Reference2>
<OrderOptions1-Entry>Option Number</OrderOptions1-Entry>
<OrderOptions2-Entry>Option Number</OrderOptions2-Entry>
<OrderOptions3-Entry>Option Number</OrderOptions3-Entry>
<OrderOptions4-Entry>Option Number</OrderOptions4-Entry>
<OrderOptions5-Entry>Option Number</OrderOptions5-Entry>
<!-- Optional additional information for the order -->
<Number>Voucher Code</Number>
<!-- (Billing Address Data) -->
<!-- (Data of the alternative delivery address) -->
<ClimateNeutral> Support climate-neutral production </ClimateNeutral>
</Orders><!--(Only with file upload)-->
In the following the sections and parameters are explained.
Character set
The data are given in the UTF-8 character set.
Data types
C (Character): Any printable character
N (Numeric): Numbers (0-9)
I (Integer): 4 Byte Integers
F (Float): 4 Byte Floating Point Number (e.g., for prices)
The maximum length is set according to the character for the type.
Example: C30 for a 30-character field with any printable character
Transfer of a product (required)
Parameter | Optional / Required | Description |
Products | Req. | Transfer of all products. |
Product | Req. | Transfer of an individual product. This section can be repeated up to 100 times. Therefore up to 100 products can be transferred. |
Number | Req. if the SetID is missing Type: C128 | Unique product number. This can also be the product number of an independent variable. |
SetID | Req. if the number is missing Type: C64 | Only possible with sets. A SetID for each set combination can be defined and saved in advance by the shop. One of the saved SetIDs is transferred here. |
| Req. if Number or SetID is missing | Alternative/direct transfer of a set without SetID. In this case the complete set with all set sub articles must be stated.
| Req. if Number or SetID is missing | Alternative/direct transfer of a set without SetID. In this case a variation index can be stated for each set sub article (in an own Child-section) The first completly defined variation combination will be used for not-transferred variation indexes Set sub articles are addressed by the product index and variation index. It is not required to know the exact structure of the set. The order of the transferred variation indexes is not relevant. A transferred variation index is only used once. For multiple assignments (if the set contains a product more than once) the index can be stated multiple times and will be processed in the order of the entries. All transferred child-sections must also be used for the order: If at least one transferred child-section can not be processed (e. g. because the set article does not contain a set sub article with the transferred variation index), an error will be returned. It is not possible to use CvarIndex-X-sections and Child-section within a set. In this case the following data will be transferred:
SetIDUserIndex | Opt. | The SetID should be loaded by another user. |
Quantity | Opt. Type: I or F | Optional amount. If this parameter is missing or empty, then the amount is "1" |
Length | Req. if | Length of the product |
Width | Req. if | Width of the product |
Price | Opt. Type: F | Optional position item price. If available, this is used instead of the item price in the product data. |
countryofproduction | Opt. | 3-digit ISO code of the country in which the product is to be produced OR location of production in the form 3ISO-ALPHANUM (ISO code, hyphen separator, alphanumeric identifier of the location of production). If a production location is specified, this is separated and transferred in the field ProductionLocationIdentifier in the order data for the product. |
ForceW2PFlag | Opt. | Flag for identifying W2P orders. |
Variations | Opt. | Transfer of normal variations |
Variation | Opt. | Transfer of a normal variation |
Name | Req. for normal variations Type: C128 | Variation name, for example, "color," "size," "height," "width," etc. Please take note! |
Value | Req. for normal variations Type: C128 | Variations value, for example, "red," "44," etc. Please take note! |
TextInputs | Opt. | Transfer of text entry fields |
TextInput | Opt. | Transfer of a text entry field |
Name | Req. for text entry field Type: C128 | Name of the text entry field, for example, "stock," "label," etc. Please take note! The variation names must be exactly the same as the variation names defined in the shop and to the product |
Value | Req. for text entry field Type: C255 | Value of the text entry field, for example, "Müller," "My small farm," etc. |
| optional | Only for Multi-ALA-Split (Split-Order) DeliveryAddressID is also defined for <DeliveryAddresses> DeliveryQuantity - Quantity of splits SampleCopy - specimen copy |
Transfer of the method of payment (optional)
The Section <Debit>...</Debit> is only given with the method of payment "direct debit." Otherwise this section is completely absent.
The Section <CreditCard>...<CreditCard> is only given with the method of payment "credit card." Otherwise this section is completely absent.
Security information:
The order generator does not store any bank or credit card data. This is only used for each order.
Parameter | Optional / Required | Description |
Payment | Opt. | Transfer of an optional method of payment |
Code | Req. with transfer of a method of payment Type: I | Method of payment code. Examples for payment type codes: You find all payment type codes in the documentation for designers: |
CreditCard | Required for payment by credit card | Card data section |
Holder | Req. Type: C128 | Card holder name |
BrandID | Req. Type: I | Type of card as an Integer-value. The following types of cards are accepted: 1=VISA (more are possible) |
Number | Req. Type: N19 | Card number without spaces. Example: 4018499066751123 |
ExpiryDate | Req. | Credit card validity in the format "YYYY- MM" for example 2010-09 |
VerificationCode | Req. Type: N4 | Card verification code. Example: 621 |
Debit | Required for payment by direct debit | Bank data section |
ExternalID | C64 | Optional. Bank details can be given with an external ID. If this parameter is given, then all of the following parameters of the bank details will be ignored. |
AccountHolder | Req. Type: C128 | Account holder name |
BankName | Req. Type: C128 | Name of the bank |
AccountNumber | Req. (without SEPA) Type: N64 | Account number without spaces. Example: 486335560 |
BankCode | Req. (without SEPA) Type: N64 | Bank code without spaces Example: 76040061 |
IBAN | Req. with SEPA | IBAN |
BIC | Req. with SEPA | BIC |
Please note:
The method of payment is optional. Only offline methods of payment can be used or online methods of payment without client authentication (credit card clearing server-to-server and ELV). Method of payments such as PayPal or immediate transfer are not possible, since client authentication must take place here over the browser.
Example: Payment by credit card
Example: Payment by direct debit
Example: Payment by invoice
Example: Payment per cash on delivery
Transfer of delivery (optional)
The delivery can be transferred in 2 ways, either by the amount of the delivery costs and the name of the deliverer or by ID and delivery code.
Caution: If both sections are submitted, the section <FixedDelivery> is used!
Transfer with amount and delivery name:
Parameter | Optional / Required | Description |
FixedDelivery | Opt. | Transfer of an optional delivery with amount and distributor name |
Name | Req. Type: C255 | Name of the deliverer |
Total | Req. Type: F | Delivery costs |
Transfer with ID and delivery code
Parameter | Optional / Required | Description |
Delivery | Opt. | Transfer or an optional delivery |
ID | Opt. Type: C64 | A unique ID that can be defined by the shop for each delivery. If the ID is missing then the shop automatically transmits one of the appropriate deliveries based on the set delivery-filter. |
Code | Opt. Type: C4 | Delivery code (for example, express delivery) that can be defined by the shop for each delivery. |
Reference | Opt. Type: C1024 | By reference, the first shipping method is always selected that has the corresponding reference text in the AutoOrderReference parameter of the shop configuration. If ID and Reference are passed, the ID is prioritised. |
Transfer of contract options (optional)
Parameter | Optional / Required | Description |
OrderOptions | Opt. | Transfer of contract options |
ResellerSurcharge | Opt. | Optional reseller surcharge. Price format: Example: 20.95 Please take note: If this parameter is empty or missing, then no reseller-surcharge is given. |
Reference Reference2 | Opt. | The reference text of the order. The reference text is shown on invoices, e-mail confirmations and in the order history. The maximum length of this text is 50 characters. If this parameter is empty or missing, then no reference text is given. |
| Opt. Type: I | Up to 5 OrderOptions can be transferred as filed in the Shop Configuration shop.config. Example: Entry in the Order Generator, if the 2. option (sample copies) is to be used: Similarly the other OrderOptions can be referenced. |
Transfer of additional order information (optional)
The transfer of additional order information is optional.
Parameter | Optional / Required | Description |
OrderSpecialInput | Opt. Type: C32000 | Transfer of additional order information |
Transfer of a voucher number (optional)
Parameter | Optional / Required | Description |
Voucher | Opt. | Transfer of a voucher number |
Number | Opt. Type: C19 | Voucher number Please take note: |
Transfer of the billing address
For guest orders the transfer of the billing address is obligatory.
This is option when signed-in. If no billing address is given during sign-in, (if the BillingAddress section is missing) then the billing address saved with the user's account/login data is used.
In the shop, for each billing address field it is defined whether the field
is supported
is optional or required
The fields of the entered billing address must synchronize with the shop configuration. Please contact the shop operator to find out which fields are supported and which fields are optional or required.
Please take note:
The transferred billing address data will not be stored in the shop data bank, but rather given only under contract.
All standard fields of the billing address are of the type C128
Parameter | Optional / Required | Description |
BillingAddress | Opt. | Transfer of an optional billing address |
Number | Analog | Customer number |
Company | Analog shop configuration | Company name |
SalutationCode | Analog shop configuration | Salutation code, as defined in the shop, for example, 00: no salutation Please contact the shop operator about this. |
TitleCode | as shop configuration | Title code, as defined in the shop, for example, 1: Dipl. Ing. Please contact the shop operator about this. |
FirstName | as shop configuration | First Name |
LastName | as shop configuration | Last Name |
Street1 | as shop configuration | Street and optional house number |
Street2 | as shop configuration | Separate house number, if Street1 only contains the street |
Zip | as shop configuration | ZIP |
City | as shop configuration | City |
State | as shop configuration | State |
CountryCode | as shop configuration | 3-digit code according to ISO 3166 Column A3 Example: DEU = Deutschland |
Phone | as shop configuration | Telephone (private) |
BusinessPhone | as shop configuration | Telephone (business) |
MobilePhone | as shop configuration | Telephone (cellular) |
Fax | as shop configuration | Fax (private) |
BusinessFax | as shop configuration | Fax (business) |
as shop configuration | Can only be given in a guest order. This parameter is ignored while signed-in. | |
E-Mail2 | as shop configuration | 2nd E-mail address |
DateOfBirth | as shop configuration | Date of birth in the format YYYY-MM-DD |
PostOfficeBox | as shop configuration | Post Office Box |
Department | as shop configuration | Department |
CostCenter | as shop configuration | Cost Center |
PostOfficeBoxZip | as shop configuration | Post Office Box ZIP |
TaxID | as shop configuration | VAT ID |
Suffix1...Suffix50 | as shop configuration | May be used analogous to the shop configuration. Please contact the shop operator concerning this. |
Transfer of the delivery address (optional)
In the shop, for each field of the delivery address it is defined whether the field
is supported
is optional or required
The fields of the entered delivery address must synchronize with the shop configuration. Please contact the shop operator to find out which fields are supported and which fields are optional or required.
Please note:
The transferred billing address data will not be stored in the shop data bank, but rather given only under contract.
All standard fields of the delivery address are of the type C128
Parameter | Optional / Required | Description |
DeliveryAddress | Opt. | Transfer of an optional alternative delivery address. |
OneTime | Opt. | If this parameter is set to "yes," then the WWS must delete this address if the order is carried out. Please contact the WWS manufacturer to find out whether this field is supported. |
Company | as shop configuration | Company name |
SalutationCode | as shop configuration | Salutation code, as defined in the shop, for example, 00: no salutation Please contact the shop operator about this. |
TitleCode | as shop configuration | Title code, as defined in the shop, for example, 1: Dipl. Ing. Please contact the shop operator about this. |
FirstName | as shop configuration | First name |
LastName | as shop configuration | Last name |
Street 1 | as shop configuration | Street and optional house number |
Street 2 | as shop configuration | Separate house number, if Street1 only contains the street |
ZIP | as shop configuration | ZIP |
City | as shop configuration | City |
State | as shop configuration | State |
CountryCode | as shop configuration | 3-digit code according to ISO 3166 Column A3 Example: DEU = Deutschland |
Phone | as shop configuration | Telephone (private) |
BusinessPhone | as shop configuration | Telephone (business) |
MobilePhone | as shop configuration | Telephone (cellular) |
Fax | as shop configuration | Fax (private) |
BusinessFax | as shop configuration | Fax (business) |
as shop configuration | E-mail address | |
DateOfBirth | as shop configuration | Date of birth in the format YYYY-MM-DD |
PostOfficeBox | as shop configuration | Post Office Box |
Department | as shop configuration | Department |
CostCenter | as shop configuration | Cost Center |
PostOfficeBoxZip | as shop configuration | Post Office Box ZIP |
Suffix1...Suffix50 | as shop configuration | May be used analogous to the shop configuration. Please contact the shop operator concerning this. |
Supporting the transfer of climate-neutral production
Supporting climate neutral production (automatic selection of the first project)
Parameter | optional/required | Description |
ClimateNeutral | Opt. | yes: Yes, supported no: No, not supported |
Direct transfer of the XML data (without web application)
The transfer of the XML data is Blowfish-encrypted. A 16-character-key is predetermined for this in the shop and in the external system.
Get method and blowfish method
The 16-digit password is directly used as the key.
The message to be encrypted is "filled in" by a multiple of 8 bytes (best with null bytes) and the message is encrypted in 8 byte blocks with the OpenSSL Blowfish ECB Function.
The shop is accessed via HTTP. The data are transferred via Get method. A maximum of 8,000 characters are given in the request.
Log-in with e-mail address
Here you may transfer an e-mail address that exists in the shop databank. The shop databank then automatically loads all user data (billing address, optional alternative delivery address, user settings, etc.)
The e-mail address is transferred as Blowfish-encrypted and hex-coded.
http://<Shop-URL>&act=autoorder&email=<verschlüsselte eMail- Adresse>&orderdata=<encrypted XML data>
with UserIndex
A UserIndex can be given as an alternative to an e-mail address. The shop then automatically loads all the user's data (billing address, optional delivery address, user settings, etc.).
The e-mail address is transferred as Blowfish-encrypted and hex-coded.
http://<Shop-URL>&act=autoorder&userindex=<verschlüsselter UserIndex>&orderdata=<encrypted XML data>
Guest order
In a guest order neither an e-mail address, nor a UserIndex is given. The transfer of a billing address is obligatory. Within the billing address the e-mail address is given.
http://<Shop-URL>&act=autoorder&orderdata=<encrypted XML data>
This parameter is required. Here the XML data are also transferred as Blowfish-encrypted and hex-coded.
Please take note:
The external system first administers Blowfish encryption and afterwards a hex coding of the encrypted binary data. Then the hex coded data is sent to the shop.
Web application version
The Web-Application displays the following information for each generated order:
UploadID (only with upload articles)
Error message / Error code
Version of the direct XML transfer (without web application)
The shop responds with the following XML version:
Triggering an ASSE process
A section can be defined in the configuration that allows an ASSE process to be triggered for each order item.
To do this, the configuration must be extended as follows:
The templates mentioned in the configuration must be stored in the order generator directory of the respective shop.
The template for the ASSE event can be as follows:
It is important here that the correct $WS and $DC tags are used, as these are replaced during the ordering process.
The ASSE template can look like this:
The $WS-AsseText$ tag is replaced by the hex-encoded content of the ASSE event template.
The file is stored under <shopid>_<subshopid>_autoorderUploadFinish-<ordernumber>-<positionnumber>.asse in the directory /var/spool/wsasse.
An order will only be generated when all transferred data are correct. The following checks are performed by the order generator, among others:
If the given product number/SetID exists and if the inventory is sufficient.
If the given normal variations are correct
If defined minimum order quantities are met and if defined maximum order quantities are not surpassed.
If defined denominations are correctly given.
If all required fields of the address data and the method of payment are present.
With online clearing: If the payment with credit card or direct debit are carried out electronically.
If the method of payment “cash on delivery” is given in a reseller surcharge
Etc …
With the status "OK" the order is successfully generated.
With the status "ERROR", the order could not be generated. Additionally, an error code will be given.
Error Codes
An error code is always given with an error. The following codes are supported:
Error Code | Additional error code | Description |
100 |
| The parameter "UserID" is missing when accessing the shop |
101 |
| Error when decrypting the parameter "UserID" |
102 |
| Unknown user ID |
103 |
| The user does not have access for this Subhop |
104 |
| The parameter "OrderData" is missing when accessing the shop |
105 |
| Error when decrypting the parameter "OrderData" |
106 |
| The section "Order" is missing in the order data |
107 |
| The section "Products" is missing in the order data |
108 |
| In a section "Product" the article or compression number is missing |
109 |
| In the order data there are no article or compression numbers present |
110 |
| The section "Payment" is missing in the order data |
111 |
| The parameter "c" is missing in the section "Payment" |
112 |
| Unknown method of payment |
113 |
| The transferred method of payment is not activated for this account |
114 |
| The section "Creditcard" is missing |
115 |
| The parameter "Holder" is missing with the payment method credit card |
116 |
| The parameter "Number" is missing with the payment method credit card |
117 |
| Invalid format of the parameter "ExpiryDate." The format must be "YYY-MM" for example 2010-03 |
118 |
| The parameter "VerificationCode" is missing with the method of payment credit card |
119 |
| The section "Debit" is missing in the order data for the method payment "direct debit" |
120 |
| The parameter "Debit" is missing in the order data for the method of payment direct debit |
121 |
| The parameter "AccountNumber" is missing for the method of payment direct debit |
122 |
| The parameter "BankCode" is missing for the method of payment direct debit |
123 |
| The parameter "BankName" is missing for the method of payment direct debit |
124 |
| The section "Delivery" is missing |
125 |
| The parameter "Code" is missing in the section "Delivery" |
126 |
| The account has no authorization for a Reseller surcharge |
127 |
| The Reseller-surcharge has surpassed the maximum amount |
128 |
| The Reseller-surcharge requires the method of payment surname |
129 |
| The section "DeliveryAddress" is missing in the order data |
130 |
| At least one required field of the delivery address is missing or is transferred as invalid. Please check "SalutationCode", "TitleCode" and "CountryCode," among others |
131 |
| For this order the maximum number of articles has been surpassed |
132 |
| The article number has surpassed the maximum length of 64 characters |
133 |
| The article or compression number is unknown |
133 | C1 | Unknown product (unknown product index) |
133 | C2 | Unknown product (unknown category index) |
133 | C3 | Set sub article not found |
133 | C4 | Unknown set sub article (unknown category index) |
133 | C5 | Product not found in category |
133 | C6 | Product not found in category / Empty category |
133 | C7 | Product not found in category |
133 | C8 | Problem with depending variants |
133 | C9 | Value for depending variant is missing |
133 | C11 | Value of variant is not/ no longer existing |
133 | C12 | Internal error, UploadID could not be generated |
133 | C13 | Product is “service product” (cannot be ordered) |
133 | C14 | Surface area product: Entries outside the permissible value range |
133 | C15 | countryofproduction specified, not stored for product |
133 | C16 | countryofproduction specified, not included in the list for the product |
133 | C17 | countryofproduction: Country specified with location of production. Incorrect entry (structure not <3ISO>-<alnum LocationIdentifier>) |
134 |
| The order quantity must be > 0 |
135 |
| The article is sold out |
136 |
| The given order quantity is invalid |
137 |
| The minimum order quantity is not transmitted |
138 |
| The maximum order quantity has been surpassed |
139 |
| There could be no articles found in this order |
140 |
| The transmitted method of payment is not allowed for this order |
141 |
| No corresponding card type could be found for the transmitted credit card number |
142 |
| No corresponding delivery could be determined for this order |
143 |
| The credit card transaction was declined by the Payment-Provider |
144 |
| The direct debit transaction was declined by the Payment-Provider |
145 |
| Neither the Parameter UserID nor the section "BillingAddress" were transferred |
146 |
| The section "BillingAddress" may not be transferred |
147 |
| At least one required field of the billing address is missing or was tranferred invalidly. Please check "SalutationCode", "TitleCode" und "CountryCode," among others |
148 |
| The parameter "ID" is missing in the section delivery |
149 |
| The given supplier ID is unknown |
150 |
| A required text entry field was not transferred |
151 |
| The maximum entry length of a field of the billing address has been surpassed: Field name: "~errordetails1~", maximum length: ~errordetails2~ |
152 |
| The maximum entry length of a field of the delivery address has been surpassed: Field name: "~errordetails1~", maximum length: ~errordetails2~ |
153 |
| Invalid voucher number |
154 |
| Method of payment direct debit is only possible with ExternalID and "ExternalID" is missing in the section "Debit." |
155 |
| No bank data could be found for the given ExternalID. |
156 |
| IBAN missing. |
157 |
| BIC is a required field, but is missing. |
158 |
| IBAN is invalid. |
159 |
| BIC is invalid. |
160 |
| Internal error while generating orderdata |
161 |
| No <pindex> or no <pvarindex> set |
162 |
| Order option is not available for this country |
163 |
| Within the section “set“, “cvarindex-X“ and “child“ were transferred. |
164 |
| Internal error |
165 |
| „varindex“ or „index“ is missing in a section “child“ |
166 |
| DeliverySplit not allowed |
167 |
| internal error |
168 |
| Quantity missing at split address |
169 |
| no delivery addresses indicated/missing delivery addresses |
170 |
| for product x the specified delivery address could not be found/is missing (see message) |
171 |
| Delivery address invalid (ID in message) |
172 |
| Delivery address invalid (same delivery country of all addresses, different delivery country allowed, …) |
173 |
| Split invalid for shopping basket item (affected item in message) |
174 |
| AddressID missing for delivery address |
175 |
| No climate-neutral project available |
176 |
| internal error |
177 |
| Reference text 1 is too long (max. 50 characters) |
178 |
| Reference text 2 is too long (max. 50 characters) |
180 |
| Delivery address could not be assigned to the product (error code in message) |
190 |
| Vaulting or PPC are not enabled |
191 |
| No VaultID available |
192 |
| Clearing failed |
711 |
| internal error |
712 |
| internal error |
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