Format and content - WS-Bestelldaten (EN)
This documentation describes the format and content of order data that can be retrieved from a shop.
Transfer of order data
The order data described below is transferred via SOAP. The transfer is described in the separate documentation
Übertragung - Trigger: REST, SOAP & Co
Description of sections and parameters
The formats described in this documentation can be extended by new parameters and sections at any time. Programs that parse these formats must therefore be written in such a way that they ignore unknown sections and parameters and do not assume a specific sequence of sections and parameters.
Section: Header (General Information)
This section is always present.
Parameter | Required field | Max. Length <>255 Characters | Comment |
FormatID | X | 32 | Identifier of the data format |
VersionNumber | X | 1 | Version number of the data format |
Generator | X | 32 | Identifier of the generating program |
Copyright(c) | X |
| Copyright of WEBSALE for this data format |
Remark | X |
| Unchanged value |
Remark | X |
| Unchangeable value |
Section: ID (header data of an order)
This section is always present.
Parameter | Required field | Max. Length <>255 Characters | Comment |
MallID | X |
| The MallID of a shop. All production shops are located in the "websale" mall. Test shops are located in the "test" mall and partner shops are located in the "partner" mall. |
ShopID | X |
| A unique ID of your shop. |
SubShopID | X |
| A unique ID of your subshop. Each shop has at least 1 subshop. |
DataSubShopID |
| A unique ID of your data subshop if the product data of another subshop was used |
ShopLanguage | X | 3 | 3 characters ISO code 3166 of the country, e.g. DEU for Germany |
Referer |
| 128 | Call reference, where WEBSALE was called from |
Subreferer |
| 128 | Sub call reference, where WEBSALE was called from |
OrderNumber | X | 16 | Unique order number. Can be used for unique referencing. |
Date | X | 8 | Date of the order in the format DD.MM.YY e.g. 29.01.10 |
Time | X | 8 | Time of the order in the format HH:MM:SS e.g. 19:02:59 |
SessionID | X | 32 | The unique SessionID used in the shop. |
Test |
| 3 | If the shop was in test mode when the order was placed, the parameter is passed with the value "yes" |
Charset | X | 64 | Configured character set of the shop |
gclid |
| 64 | The GoogleClickID passed when calling the shop |
ExpressCheckout |
| yes | Set if the buyer ordered via ExpressCheckout |
ExpressCheckout Type |
| 16 | Will be passed only if the buyer has ordered via an ExpressCheckout. Provider of the ExpressCheckout. Possible values: "PayPal |
ShopConfig |
| If the shop was used with an alternative shop configuration at the time of the order, the parameter is passed with the file name of the alternative shop configuration as the value. |
IPv4 |
| IPv4 address used when submitting the order (can also be from the payment clearer) |
IPv6 |
| IPv6 address used when submitting the order (can also be from the payment clearer) |
FirstCall IPv4 |
| IPv4 address used during FirstCall |
FirstCall-IPv6 |
| IPv6 address at FirstCall |
FirstCall-IPAdressTimestamp |
| Timestamp at FirstCall |
Section: PromotionAgreement (advertising agreement)
This section is optional if the buyer has given or refused consent for promotion.
Parameters | Required field | Max. Length <>255 Characters | Comment |
AddressSharingState |
| Integer number | Status of address sharing consent: |
AddressSharingLastChangeIP |
| 15 | IP address of the last status change in the shop |
AddressSharingLastChangeDate |
| 12 | Date of last status change in format DD.MM.YYYY |
AddressSharingLastChangeTime |
| 8 | Time of the last status change in the format HH:MM:SS |
TeleMarketingState |
| Integer number | Telemarketing consent status: |
TeleMarketingLastChangeIP |
| 15 | IP address of the last status change in the shop |
TeleMarketingLastChangeDate |
| 12 | Date of the last status change in the format DD.MM.YYYY |
TeleMarketingLastChangeTime |
| 8 | Time of the last status change in the format HH:MM:SS |
Section: CustomerAddress (Billing Address)
This section is always present.
However, all billing address parameters are optional.
For most parameters, parameters with the same name are output with the suffix "_DName" (name of the input field, language-dependent on the subshop), which serve as additional information. Likewise, for some parameters, parameters with the same name are output with the suffix "_DValue" (value of the input field displayed in the shop), which also serve as additional information.
Country = DEU (technical, language-independent value)
Country_DName = Country (language-dependent name of the input field)
Country_DValue = Germany (language-dependent display for the orderer)
An address data field whose value is deleted is normally not transferred to the order data from the next order on.
The value of a field can be explicitly marked as deleted and transferred on the shop template. In the order data of the next order, the value is then written with the suffix "_deleted" and the value "yes".
Country_deleted = yes
Parameter | Required field | Max. Length <>255 characters | Comment |
Number |
| Customer number |
Company |
| Company name |
Salutation |
| Language dependent salutation e.g. "Mrs.". |
SalutationCode |
| A language-independent salutation code that can be freely set in the shop. See file “salutation.dat” |
CompleteSalutation |
| Complete, language dependent salutation e.g. "Dear Dr. Meier". |
FirstName |
| First name |
LastName |
| LastName |
Title |
| Language dependent title e.g. "Professor” |
TitleCode |
| A language-independent title code that can be freely set in the shop. See file “title.dat” |
Street1 |
| Street and house number |
Street2 |
| Separate house number, if not included in Street1 |
City |
| City |
State |
| State |
CountryISO |
| 3 | 3-character country code according to ISO 3166 e.g. DEU for Germany |
Phone |
| Telephone |
Fax |
| Fax |
| 127 | E-mail address | |
BusinessPhone |
| Business phone |
MobilePhone |
| Mobile phone |
BusinessFax |
| Fax business |
DateOfBirth |
| 10 | Date of birth in the format DD.MM.YYYY e.g. "19.10.1968". |
PostOfficeBox |
| P.O. Box |
Suffix1..50 |
| In the shop freely definable fields, which are stored in the customer database. |
Department |
| Department |
CostCenter |
| CostCenter |
UserType |
| Customer type |
PostOfficeBoxZIP |
| ZIP code of the post office box |
TaxID |
| Sales tax ID |
UserDefList-1 |
| In the shop freely definable list fields, which are not stored in the customer database. |
UserIndex |
| Integer number | Internal customer index of the shop customer database |
EmailVerification |
| verified unverified undef | Status of email verification |
SuperUserID |
| 64 | SuperUserID, if the order was placed by a "SuperUser" for another customer |
InfoScoreResult |
| Positive Negative | Only in case of Infoscore credit inquiry. Possible values are "Positive" in case of positive (=no rejection) check or "Negative" in case of negative (=explicit rejection) check or connection problem. |
eScoreClass |
| For Infoscore credit inquiry only. The eScoreClass value. |
InformaScore |
| Only for Infoscore creditworthiness request. The InformaScore value. |
InfoScoreFeatures |
| Only for Infoscore credit query. Additional information from InfoScore. |
InfoScoreBIG |
| yes/no | Yes: The current InfoScoreBIG interface (as of Nov. 2016) is used. No: The eScore interface from Infoscore is used |
BonusPointsAccountBalance |
| Only for bonus points system. The bonus points balance. |
PaymentAccountCredit |
| Only if the payment type "customer account" was used. The account balance. |
IP-Address |
| IP address | IP address from which the shop was called |
IP- AddressTimestamp |
| Date | Date/time when the IP address was determined in the format YYYY-MM-DD / HH:MM:SS |
AddressIndex |
| Integer number | Unique, internal billing address index |
ExternalID |
| External ID of the billing address, which can be assigned by the WWS. |
RegistrationCode |
| Registration code for new customers |
ExpressCheckoutAddressUsed |
| yes | Here "yes" is passed if the buyer ordered via express checkout and the address data was not entered in WEBSALE V8. In this case, either the address data in the specific data of the provider must be used as the billing address or the provider must be queried directly (PayPal, Amazon, PayDirekt, etc...). In this case, most of the billing address fields are not passed. |
AccountType |
| CustomerAccount GuestAccount | For registered customers CustomerAccount is passed, for not registered customers (guest order) GuestAccount is passed. |
Section: DeliveryAddress (optional, different delivery address)
All parameters of the delivery address different from the billing address are optional.
This section is available only if the delivery address is different from the billing address.
For most parameters, parameters with the same name are output with the "_DName" suffix (name of the input field, language-dependent on the subshop), which serve as additional information. For some parameters, parameters with the same name are output with the suffix "_DValue", which also serve as additional information.
Country = DEU (technical, language-independent value)
Country_DName = Country (language-dependent name of the input field)
Country_DValue = Germany (language-dependent display for the orderer)
An address data field whose value is deleted is normally not transferred to the order data from the next order on.
The value of a field can be explicitly marked as deleted and transferred on the shop template. In the order data of the next order, the value is then written with the suffix "_deleted" and the value "yes".
Country_deleted = yes
Parameter | Required field | Max. Length | Comment |
Company |
| Company name |
Salutation |
| Language dependent salutation e.g. "Mrs.". |
SalutationCode |
| A freely adjustable salutation code in the shop. See file “salutation.dat” |
FirstName |
| First name |
LastName |
| LastName |
Title |
| Language dependent title e.g. "Professor |
TitleCode |
| A title code that can be freely set in the shop. See file “title.dat” |
Street1 |
| Street and house number |
Street2 |
| Separate house number, if not included in Street1 |
City |
| City |
State |
| State |
CountryISO |
| 3 | 3-character country code according to ISO 3166 e.g. DEU for Germany |
Phone |
| Telephone |
Fax |
| Fax |
| eMail address | |
BusinessPhone |
| Business phone |
MobilePhone |
| Phone mobile |
BusinessFax |
| Fax business |
DateOfBirth |
| Date of birth in the format DD.MM.YYYY e.g. "19.10.1968". |
PostOfficeBox |
| P.O. Box |
Suffix1..50 |
| In the shop freely definable fields, which are stored in the customer database. |
Department |
| Department |
CostCenter |
| CostCenter |
UserType |
| Customer type |
PostOfficeBoxZIP |
| Zip code of the post office box |
DeliveryAddressIndex |
| Integer value | Unique internal delivery address index |
ExternalID |
| External ID of the delivery address, which can be assigned by the WWS. |
OneTime |
| yes | One time use of the delivery address. |
| If this parameter is set to "yes", then this address was not stored in the customer database and must not be replicated back into the shop by the ERP. |
WishListAddress |
| yes | The shipping address is a stored wish list address of another customer |
WishListOwnerFirstName |
| First name of the wish list owner |
WishListOwnerLastName |
| Last name of the wish list owner |
Section: DeliveryAddresses (multiple delivery addresses for MultiDelivery)
This section is displayed when the "Select multiple delivery addresses (MultiDelivery/Split-Order)" feature is active in the shop.
A separate <+DeliveryAddress> section is created for each delivery address. This contains all the default parameters as listed above: DeliveryAddress section
In addition, the parameter DeliveryAddressOrderIndex is inserted and an index is assigned by the system. This index is used to link the order items to the individual delivery addresses in the OrderList > Item section.
DeliveryAddressOrderIndex = 1
DeliveryAddressOrderIndex = 2
Parameters | Required field | Max. Length <>255 characters | Comment |
DeliveryAddressOrderIndex |
| Integer | Index assigned by the system. Assignment of order item and delivery address |
Section: DeliverySelections (flexible assignment of delivery type for MultiDelivererSelection)
This optional section is displayed if the MultiDelivererSelection function is active. Here the customer can assign a separate delivery type for each shopping cart item (MultiDelivery) or for each delivery address of a split item (Split-Order)
For some parameters, parameters with the same name are output with the suffix "_DName" and/or "_DValue" as additional information.
Parameter | Required field | Max. Length <>255 characters | Comment |
<+DeliverySelection> |
| -- | A separate subsection is created for each shopping cart item and selected shipping method. |
Deliverer |
| 510 | Name of the delivery service. The names are freely assignable in the shop, e.g. UPS, DHL, ... |
DelivererType |
| 64 | Supplier type. Freely assignable in the shop |
DelivererID |
| 64 | Supplier ID. Freely assignable in the shop |
DeliverySelectionOrderIndex |
| unique index assigned by the system, which links the selected delivery type with the (split) item (OrderList-Item section) |
<+DelivererAdditionalInfo> |
| -- | Subsection for each additional information of a shipping type |
ID |
| 128 | ID from the shop configuration |
Info |
| Info text from the shop configuration |
</+DelivererAdditionalInfo> |
| -- | End of subsection |
<+DelivererAdditionalInput> |
| -- | Subsection in case of additional input field for a shipping method |
ID |
| 128 | ID from the shop configuration |
FieldDescr |
| 1024 | Description of the input field from the shop configuration |
Input |
| 128 | entered text of the buyer |
</+DelivererAdditionalInput> |
| -- | End of subsection |
IDCardNumber |
| 20 | Delivery by hand plus: ID card number |
IDCardType |
| Integer | Delivery Personals Plus: Type of ID card (freely assignable) |
IDCardAuthority |
| 30 | Delivery Personal Plus: Name of the issuing authority |
AmountDependentCost |
| float | amount of shipping costs depending on the value of goods |
PieceDependentCost |
| float | piece cost dependent shipping costs |
WeigthDependentCost |
| float | weight dependent shipping cost |
ProductDependentCost |
| float | product specific shipping cost |
MinimumDeliveryCost |
| float | Minimum delivery cost |
MinimumDeliveryCostApplied |
| yes no | Minimum shipping cost used? |
MerchantSpecificDeliveryCostApplied |
| yes no | merchant specific shipping cost used? |
DeliveryCostReduction |
| float | Amount of delivery cost reduction |
DeliveryCostReductionApplied |
| yes no | Delivery cost reduction used? |
DeliveryUserCostDiscount |
| float | Amount of user-dependent delivery cost reduction |
DeliveryUserCostDiscountApplied |
| yes no | customer dependent shipping cost reduction used? |
DynamicFreeDeliveryApplied |
| yes no | free shipping because of dynamic evaluation FreeDelivery from shopping cart |
UserAccountFreeDeliveryApplied |
| yes no | free delivery because of definition in customer account |
TotalDeliveryCost |
| float | Total amount for this shipping selection |
Section: CustomerComment (comment of the customer)
The customer is offered a multiline text input field with a maximum of 1000 characters. This section is optional.
Text of the customer, as entered by him
With any line breaks.
Section: OrderSpecialInput (Additional information of the customer)
Another multiline text input field with a maximum of 32000 characters. This section is optional.
Any input from the orderer
Any input from the orderer
Any input from the orderer.
Section: Order (Global data of the order)
This section is always present. Also here to some parameters parameters with the same name with the suffix "_DName" and/or "_DValue" are output as additional information.
Parameters | Required field | Max. Length <>255 Characters | Comment |
Deliverer |
| 510 | Name of the delivery service. The names are freely assignable in the shop, e.g. UPS, DHL, ... |
DelivererType |
| 64 | Supplier type. Freely assignable in the shop |
DelivererID |
| 64 | Supplier ID. Freely assignable in the shop |
<+DelivererAdditionalInfo> |
| -- | Subsection for each additional information of a shipping type |
ID |
| 128 | ID from the shop configuration |
Info |
| Info text from the shop configuration |
</+DelivererAdditionalInfo> |
| -- | End of subsection |
<+DelivererAdditionalInput> |
| -- | Subsection if additional input field for a shipping method (if MultiDelivererSelection is disabled) |
ID |
| 128 | ID from the shop configuration |
FieldDescr |
| 1024 | Description of the input field from the shop configuration |
Input |
| 128 | entered text of the buyer |
</+DelivererAdditionalInput> |
| -- | End of subsection |
IDCardNumber |
| 20 | Delivery by hand plus: ID card number |
IDCardType |
| Integer | Delivery Personally Signed Plus: Type of ID card (freely assignable) |
IDCardAuthority |
| 30 | Delivery Personal Plus: Name of the issuing authority |
DeliveryDate |
| 10 | Requested delivery date. Format: DD.MM.YYYY |
ConditionsAcceptedDate |
| 10 | Date when the buyer accepted the terms and conditions in the format YYYY-MM-DD |
ConditionsAcceptedTime |
| 8 | Time when the buyer accepted the terms and conditions in the format HH:MM:SS |
TotalWeight |
| float | Total weight of the order |
TotalVolume |
| float | Total volume of the order |
PriceType | X | Gross Net | Values: Gross, Net Item prices in the shop are gross (Gross) or net prices (Net) |
Currency | X | 3 | International 3-digit currency code, e.g. "EUR". |
CommunityMember |
| yes no | Only if the CommunityInterface is used: Buyer has authenticated as community member |
CommunityMemberShip |
| 255 | Only if the CommunityInterface is used: Type of membership |
CommunityUserID |
| 64 | Only if the CommunityInterface is used: User ID in the authorization system |
PaymentType |
| 64 | Technical name of the payment type. E.g. CreditCard, CashOnDelivery, DebitNote, Bill, Prepayment, etc. |
PaymentName |
| 255 | Language-dependent name of the payment type, e.g. "Cash on delivery". |
PaymentCode |
| Integer | Payment method code 1=credit card |
PayPalComputopPayID |
| 255 | Only for online clearing with PayPal via Computop. The PayID of Computop. See Computop documentation. |
PayPalComputopTransactionID |
| 255 | Only for online clearing with PayPal via Computop. The transaction number in the PayPal system. See Computop documentation. |
VoucherNumber |
| 19 | The number of the redeemed voucher |
VoucherRest |
| float | The remaining amount of the redeemed voucher |
VoucherChargeID |
| 64 | The batch ID of the redeemed voucher |
VoucherAmount |
| float | The redeemed amount of a voucher. For example, if a voucher worth 100€ was redeemed, although the invoice amount was only 25€, this would read "25.00". |
VoucherPositionAmount |
| float | Sum of voucher amounts determined on position level |
VoucherVATRate |
| float | VAT rate of the voucher |
VoucherVATIndex |
| Integer | VAT index of the voucher |
VoucherType |
| absolute percental | Type of voucher: absolute or percentage |
VoucherRate |
| float | percentage voucher value (e.g. 5.00 for 5% voucher) |
VoucherChargeCreator |
| 128 | First name and last name of the batch creator who created the batch in OSB |
VoucherChargeLabel |
| 128 | Batch label that can be selected in the OSB via drop-down list |
SpecialFeaturesAdditionalProductFieldsFilter |
| yes | Voucher is dependent on product data fields (yes) |
SpecialFeaturesAdditionalProductFieldsFilter_SetBehavior |
| asUnit/single | Set subproducts are considered as a unit or checked individually |
SpecialFeaturesAdditionalProductFieldsFilter_fieldname_X |
| 128 | technical field name of the product data field to be checked (X: number of the filter) |
SpecialFeaturesAdditionalProductFieldsFilter_valuelist_X |
| 1024 | comma-separated list of values that must be contained in the product data field (X: number of the filter) |
OrderOption_Name-X (X=1..5) |
| 255 | Name of the order option |
OrderOption_Price-X (X=1..5) |
| float | Cost of the order option |
OrderOption_VAT-X (X=1..5) |
| float | VAT rate of the order option |
| 32 | Trusted Shops ProductID |
| 255 | A Trusted Shops ProductID, which can be assigned by the WWS |
TS_Name |
| 255 | Trusted Shops product name |
| float | The VAT rate of the Trusted Shops product |
TS_Cost |
| float | The cost of the Trusted Shops product |
WSPartnerID |
| 128 | The partnerID of the WEBSALE Affilinet system |
WSPartnerCode |
| 128 | The entered PartnerCode of the WEBSALE Affilinet system |
UploadID |
| 8 | The unique UploadID of an order (for file uploads) |
UploadLink |
| 4096 | Link to the data upload |
DownloadID |
| 8 | The unique DownloadID of an order (for file downloads) |
DownloadLink |
| 4096 | Link to the download module |
OfferID |
| 128 | The unique ID when ordering an offer |
RefText |
| 50 | The reference text for an order |
RefText2 |
| 50 | The additional reference text for an order |
CostCenterEmailAddress |
| 64 | eMail address of the releaser for the payment type cost center |
WishListOrder |
| yes | Set if at least one item of the order was bought from a wish list |
AutoOrder |
| yes | Set if the order was triggered by the order generator |
AutoOrderTestMode |
| yes | Set if the order was triggered by the order generator in test mode |
UserDiscountRate | X | float | Customer discount rate in % |
UserDiscount | X | float | Value of customer discount |
PaymentDiscountRate | X | float | Payment discount rate in % |
PaymentDiscount | X | float | Value of payment type discount |
OrderDiscountRate | X | float | Value of goods discount in |
OrderDiscount | X | float | Value of the discount |
GroupDiscount | X | float | Value of the grouping discount |
ProductDiscount | X | float | Value of direct product discount |
PaymentCostDiscountRate |
| float | Payment cost discount rate in |
PaymentCostDiscount |
| float | Value of payment cost discount |
DeliveryCostDiscountRate |
| float | Delivery cost discount rate in % |
DeliveryCostDiscount |
| float | Value of delivery cost discount |
OrderOption_VAT Index-X |
| Integer | Value added tax index of the order option |
TS_VATIndex |
| Integer | Value added tax index of the TrustedShop product |
CashedBonusPointsVATRate |
| float | VAT rate of the redeemed bonus points |
CashedBonusPointsVATIndex |
| Integer | Value added tax index of the cashed bonus points |
CustomerSubsidyVATRate |
| float | VAT rate of the customer subsidy |
CustomerSubsidyVATIndex |
| Integer | Value added tax index of the customer subsidy |
DeliveryVATIndex |
| Integer | VAT index of the delivery cost |
DefaultVATIndex |
| Integer | Default VAT index |
MainServiceVATIndex |
| Integer | VAT index of the main service |
PaymentCostVATRate |
| float | Value added tax rate of payment type cost |
PaymentCostVATIndex |
| Integer | Value added tax index of payment type costs |
SurchargeVATRate |
| float | Value added tax rate of the shortage surcharge |
SurchargeVATIndex |
| Integer | Value added tax index of the reduced quantity surcharge |
GiftPackageVATRate |
| float | VAT rate of the gift package |
GiftPackageVATIndex |
| Integer | Value added tax index of the gift package |
ClimateNeutralVATRate |
| float | Value added tax rate of climate neutral production |
ClimateNeutralVATIndex |
| Integer | Value added tax index of the climate neutral production |
BuyXPayYDiscount |
| float | Value of discount for promotions BuyXPayY |
GlobalDiscount |
| float | Summarized global discount |
TotalDiscount | X | float | Value of all accumulated discounts |
OrderBonusPoints |
| Integer | Number of credited bonus points |
CashedBonusPoints |
| Integer | Number of cashed bonus points |
CashedBonusPointsAmount |
| float | Amount of cashed bonus points |
BonusProductPoints |
| Integer | Number of bonus points used for reward products |
DeliveryCost | X | float | Delivery cost |
DeliveryCost [MerchantID] |
| float | Merchant specific delivery cost. The MerchantID can be configured at the product |
DeliveryCostReduction |
| float | Discount on payment method costs |
DeliveryVATRate | X | float | VAT rate of delivery cost |
TotalMultiDeliveryAddressUsageCost |
| float | Total cost of MultiDelivery |
TotalMultiDeliveryAddressUsageCostVATRate |
| float | VAT rate for MultiDelivery |
TotalMultiDeliveryAddressUsageCostVATIndex |
| integer | VAT index for MultiDelivery |
TotalSampleCopyCost |
| float | Total cost for voucher copies |
TotalSampleCopyVATRate |
| float | VAT rate for voucher copies |
TotalSampleCopyVATIndex |
| integer | VAT index for voucher copies |
BasketProductOptionCost |
| float | Additional costs for free fields at split-order basket position level (BasketProductOptions BPO) |
BasketProductOptionVATRate |
| float | VAT rate for BPO |
BasketProductOptionVATIndex |
| integer | VAT index for BPO |
DefaultVATRate | X | float | Default VAT rate |
CustomerSubsidy |
| float | Granted customer subsidy |
CustomerSubsidyRemainder |
| float | Remaining customer subsidy for next order |
PaymentCost |
| float | Payment cost |
Surcharge |
| float | Low quantity surcharge |
ResellerSurcharge |
| float | Reseller surcharge |
ClimateNeutral |
| float | Cost of climate neutral production |
W2PCost |
| float | Total costs of Web2Print design |
| float | VAT Web2Print cost |
GiftPackage |
| float | Total cost of all gift packages |
GiftPackageVATRate |
| float | VAT rate of the gift package |
PaymentInputSuffixX |
| Input additional information about the selected payment method |
SubTotal | X | float | Value of goods |
| float | Total amount of VAT (included) |
VATDiscount |
| float | Total amount of VAT (deducted) |
Total | X | float | Total amount, including all discounts, vouchers, surcharges, deductions and including VAT. |
AltCurrencyISO |
| 3 | Alternative currency code (ISO) |
AltCurrencyExchangeRate |
| float | Exchange rate for alternative currency |
PartialDelivery |
| partial | Issued only if order is partial deliverable AND buyer has made a selection |
VoucherNumber, |
| When using single vouchers. The explanation of the parameters can be found in a separate section see (Multi-)Vouchers |
eMailSharingWithShippingProviderAllowed |
| yes/no | Permission to forward the e-mail to the deliverer. yes: if the checkbox has been ticked |
eMailSharingWithShippingProviderData |
| entered e-mail or the e-mail of the billing address, if permission to forward the e-mail to the deliverer = yes |
Section: OrderList/Item (product data)
This section is always present. The product data is transferred in the following form.
Data 1. Product
Data 2. Product
Data n. Product
A maximum of 500 items are transferred.
Product data:
Parameter | Required field | Max. Length <>255 characters | Comment |
ID | X | 64 | Unique product number. Depending on variants. |
Number |
| 32 | Product number, if necessary with insert |
PositionNumber | X | Integer | Consecutive position number |
CustomizedPositionNumber |
| Shop specific running position number (if configured) |
AltNumber1 |
| AltNumber1 of the product (if configured) |
ProdIndex | X | 64 | Internal index of the product. Independent of variants. |
DepVarIndex | X | 64 | Dependent variant index |
Insert | X | 16 | Advertising material identifier |
StoreID |
| 64 | Optional stock item number |
SetParentID |
| 64 | ID of a set parent (see notes) |
SetChildID |
| 64 | ID of a set child (see annotations) |
SetHiddenChild |
| yes | Set sub-item not visible to the buyer |
HiddenPosition |
| yes | Item not visible to the buyer |
VoucherProduct |
| yes | Product was added by a voucher |
VoucherApplies |
| yes | If "yes" the used voucher will be applied to the item |
VoucherApplies-X |
| yes | Replaces the parameter VoucherApplies for "Redeem multiple vouchers (MultiVoucher)". The X stands for the index of a voucher used. |
MerchantID |
| 64 | Merchant ID |
MerchantName |
| 128 | Merchant Name |
EmployeeID |
| 16 | EmployeeID |
Name | X | 128 | Product name |
Name2 |
| 128 | Product name 2 |
Quantity | X | float | Order quantity |
ExternalProductID |
| 128 | ID of an external (unknown) product |
InStock |
| float | (Partial) order quantity with stock |
OutOfStock |
| float | (Partial) order quantity without stock |
StockAmount |
| float | current stock level |
DisplayInStock |
| 255 | Readable output: (partial) order quantity with stock on hand |
DisplayOutOfStock |
| 255 | Readable output: (partial) order quantity without stock on hand |
DisplayStockAmount |
| 128 | Readable output: current stock amount |
UnitFactor |
| float | Factor of the packing unit |
UnitCode |
| 64 | Code of the packing unit |
Weight |
| float | Weight per piece |
TotalWeight |
| float | Total weight (Quantity x Weight) |
Volume |
| float | Volume (ATTENTION: Does not equal length times width times height!) |
TotalVolume |
| float | Total volume (Quantity x Volume) |
Length |
| float | Length |
Width |
| float | Width |
Height |
| float | Height |
UploadID |
| 8 | UploadID of the position (PositionID) |
Price | X | float | Base price of the product without discounts, variants, graduated prices, etc. This price is for information only. |
StaticAddPrice |
| float | A quantity-independent one-time price (e.g. the price of a printing board) |
GiftPackage |
| float | Price of the gift package |
TotalGiftPackage |
| float | Total price of the gift package (Quantity x GiftPackage) |
AreaProductLength |
| float | Length/height of an area product. The precision (number of decimal places) can be configured in the shop. |
AreaProductWidth |
| float | Width/thickness of an area product. The precision (number of decimal places) can be configured in the shop. |
AreaProductBasePrice |
| float | Price per unit area of the area product |
AreaProductStaticAddPrice |
| float | Static add price of the area product |
AreaProductCalculatedArea |
| float | Calculated area in relation to the unit configured in the shop. The section can contain up to 10 entries.eiten. Example: Unit of length/width: cm Unit of area: sqm
Example: |
CommissionInfo |
| 255 | Commissioning information entered by the buyer |
ClimateNeutralAvailable |
| yes | "yes" is passed if the product can be ordered with the order option "climate neutral production". (This does not automatically mean that the order was also placed with this order option) |
<ClimateNeutral> |
| -- | Start of subsection for climate neutral production per item |
Status |
| Failed OK | Failed: the order for climate-neutral production could not be finally submitted to ClimatePartner OK: climate neutral production successfully submitted to ClimatePartner |
OrderID |
| 64 | ID of the order at ClimatePartner |
CertID |
| 64 | ID of the certificate at ClimatePartner |
ProjectName |
| 255 | Name of the climate protection project at ClimatePartner |
ProjectOffsetNo |
| 64 | ID of the climate protection project at ClimatePartner |
CreationDate |
| 64 | Creation date of the order at ClimatePartner |
CertURL |
| 1027 | URL to the certificate at ClimatePartner |
LogoURL |
| 1027 | URL to the logo generator at ClimatePartner |
VerifyURL |
| 1027 | URL to the verification page at ClimatePartner |
Emissions |
| float | Amount of CO2 emissions |
VATRate |
| float | VAT rate |
VATIndex |
| Integer | VAT index |
Total |
| float | Total amount climate neutral production |
TotalPartClimatePartner |
| float | Partial amount costs at ClimatePartner |
TotalPartCostAddition |
| float | Partial amount fixed surcharge at the shop |
</ClimateNeutral> |
| End of subsection for climate neutral production per item |
| 64 | ISBN number |
eBook |
| Integer | Indicates if the product is an eBook: 1: Libreka eBook |
eBookDRM |
| 64 | DRM setting eBook |
eBookType |
| 64 | Type eBook |
eBookDownloadRestriction |
| 1024 | Download restriction eBook |
eBookDownloadLink |
| 4096 | Download link eBook |
PrimeShopping |
| Integer | Indicates that this product is a prime package or prime option: 1 Product is a Prime package (set top product) 2 Prime option: Instant free shipping 3 Prime option: Immediately no minimum order value 4 Prime option: Immediate Prime products may be ordered 102 Prime option: Free shipping (from the 1st subsequent purchase) 103 Prime option: No minimum order value (from the 1st subsequent purchase) 104 Prime option: Prime products may be ordered (from the 1st subsequent purchase) 105 Prime option: Prime prices are granted (from the 1st subsequent purchase) |
PrimeShoppingDuration |
| Integer | Duration of the prime package (in the specified unit) |
PrimeShoppingDurationUnit |
| 1 | Unit of the duration of the prime package d: days |
PrimeShoppingBillCountries |
| Restrictive, comma-separated list of 3-digit ISO codes of the countries where the Prime package is available. |
PrimeShoppingPeriodOfNotice |
| Integer | Termination period of the Prime package at the end of the term in days |
PrimeProduct |
| yes | Yes" is a product that is exclusively available for Prime customers |
ProductionLocationIdentifier |
| Production location identifier (countryofproduction) |
Timestamp |
| Unix timestamp of when the shopping cart item was last modified (info/debug) |
<variation> |
| -- | Start of a variant. This section can occur several times (once for each variant). |
ID |
| 64 | Partial article number for normal variants |
Name |
| 128 | Name of the variant, e.g. "Color |
Option |
| 128 | Option of the variant, e.g. "red |
Price |
| float | Surcharge for normal variants |
Index |
| Integer | Internal index of the order position |
</variation> |
| -- | End of a variation. |
<TextInputFields> |
| -- | Beginning of text input fields. A maximum of 10 fields are passed. |
Name-X |
| 128 | Name of the text input field |
Field-X |
| Value of the text input field |
</TextInputFields> |
| -- | End of text input fields |
<Licenses> |
| -- | Beginning of the license information. |
Number-X |
| 128 | License number |
</licenses> |
| -- | End of license information |
<OrderInfo> |
| 16192 | Additional information about the product. |
<SpecialInput> |
| 16192 | special inputs on the product |
<ExtraInput_X> |
| Additional input at products per ExtraInput (can be passed hex-coded) |
<AdditionalInput_X> |
| Additional input fields for customers on the shopping cart page |
BonusProduct |
| yes no | If "yes", this is a bonus product. |
BonusProductPrice |
| Integer | Number of redeemed/required bonus points |
BonusProductPriceTotal |
| Integer | Total number of redeemed/required bonus points (Quantity x BonusProductPrice) |
DenyForRating |
| 3 | If "yes" the product was excluded from the rating system |
DenyRateRemindEmail |
| 3 | If "yes", the reminder email was not activated |
GreetingProduct |
| If “yes” the product is a greeting card product. |
InstantVoucherProduct |
| yes no | If "yes" is a purchase voucher, which was generated immediately with the order. |
<InstantVoucherProduct> |
| -- | Beginning information of a purchase voucher product. This section appears only for purchase voucher products. The number of sections corresponds to the order quantity of the item. |
ChargeID |
| 128 | BatchID of the voucher |
Number |
| 128 | Voucher number |
Amount |
| float | Amount of the voucher |
PDFLinkPart |
| 4096 | Partial link (call parameter) to download this voucher as PDF |
Checksum |
| Checksum |
</InstantVoucherProduct> |
| -- | End information of a purchase voucher product |
VATIndex | X | Integer | VAT index |
VATRate | X | float | VAT rate |
Sum | X | float | Subtotal. Used for information only. |
DiscountFactor |
| float | Discount factor |
TotalDiscount | X | float | Total discount |
TotalDiscountRate |
| float | In this field the individual discount rates of the position are transferred cumulatively |
ProductDiscount | X | float | absolute, direct product discount |
ProductDiscountRate |
| float | Product discount rate, accumulated discount rates from the following individual discounts:
VoucherDiscount |
| float | Voucher discount on item level. With "Redeem multiple vouchers (MultiVoucher)", the entire discount is issued. |
VoucherDiscount-X |
| float | With "Redeem multiple vouchers (MultiVoucher)", the discount of a voucher is displayed. The X stands for the index of a voucher used. |
VoucherRate |
| float | percentage voucher discount on item level |
VoucherRate-X |
| float | Replaces the VoucherRate parameter for MultiVoucher. The X stands for the index of a voucher used. |
UserDiscount |
| float | calculated customer discount for this product |
UserDiscountRate |
| float | Customer discount rate for this product |
OrgPriceDiscount |
| float | Product discount based on OrgPrice |
OrgPriceDiscountRate |
| float | Discount rate of product discount based on OrgPrice |
ProductGroupDiscount |
| float | Grouping discount granted for the item |
ProductGroupDiscountRate |
| float | Grouping discount rate of the item |
ProductGroupDiscountShown |
| global | Indicates whether the grouping discount was taken globally or per line item |
ParticularOrderDiscount |
| float | Partial discount amount with which the line item participates in the globally reported discount amount. |
ParticularOrderDiscountRate |
| float | Partial discount rate |
ParticularUserDiscount |
| float | Partial discount rate with which the item participates in the globally reported discount total. |
ParticularUserDiscountRate |
| float | Partial discount rate |
ParticularPaymentDiscount |
| float | Partial discount rate with which the item participates in the globally reported discount total. |
ParticularPaymentDiscountRate |
| float | Partial discount rate |
Event |
| HappyHour | If "yes" is a HappyHour item |
WishList |
| yes | Item is from a wish list |
WishListUserIndex |
| Integer | Unique UserIndex of the wish list owner |
WishListOwner |
| configured text, if necessary with first and last name of the wish list owner |
DownloadProduct |
| yes | Download product |
GiftProduct |
| yes | Yes" is a gift product |
GiftProductSubTotal |
| Required value of the gift product per piece |
| yes | Item is subject to DEEE |
DEEEPrice |
| float | DEEE cost per item |
DEEETotal |
| float | DEEE cost of the item |
PriceWithoutDEEE |
| float | Price per unit without DEEE costs |
TotalWithoutDEEE |
| float | Final total price without DEEE costs |
ForceW2PFlag |
| yes | Web2Print design was selected for this item (flag ForceW2PFlag set in the order generator) |
W2P |
| yes | Web2Print design was selected for this item |
W2PCost |
| float | Web2Print cost |
| float | VAT of Web2Print costs |
W2PDocID |
| 128 | DocID of the external Web2Print system |
W2PThumbnailURL |
| URL to the thumbnail of the external Web2Print system |
BuyXPayYID |
| ID of the BuyXPayY action |
BuyXPayYDescription |
| Short description of the BuyXPayY action |
BuyXPayYAffectedQty |
| Integer | Affected quantity discounted number of items for BuyXPayY action |
MultiDeliveryAddressUsageCost |
| float | total additional cost for MultiDelivery |
DeliveryAddressOrderIndex |
| Integer | unique index assigned by the system that references the delivery address (DeliveryAddress section). |
<DeliverySplit> |
| -- | Subsection in case of MultiDelivery |
<+Entry> |
| -- | a separate subsection for each delivery address in MultiDelivery |
DeliveryAddressOrderIndex |
| Integer | unique system-assigned index referencing the delivery address (DeliveryAddress section) or the billing address |
Quantity |
| Integer | Number of copies that will be delivered to an address |
SampleCopy |
| yes | only if sample copies were ordered |
SampleCopyQuantity |
| Integer | Number of voucher copies |
SampleCopyCost |
| float | Cost for voucher copies |
DeliverySelectionOrderIndex |
| unique system-assigned index referencing the selected delivery type (<+DeliverySelection> section) |
</+Entry> |
| -- | End of the subsection for a delivery address (MultiDelivery) |
</DeliverySplit> |
| -- | End of subsection for MultiDelivery |
Total | X | float | This is the final total price of the product including all discounts, scale prices, additional costs, surcharges etc. and including the order quantity. If you need the final unit price, please refer to the parameter SingleTotal |
SingleTotal | X | float | This is the final unit price of the product including all discounts, scale prices, additional costs, surcharges, etc. |
SingleTotal2 |
| float | This is the final unit price of the product including all discounts, scale prices, additional costs, surcharges, etc. with up to 9 decimal places (if defined in shop.config) |
CustomizedBasketPositionOrderData01-ContentHexCoded |
| Hex-coded content dynamically generated by the function "CustomizedBasketPositionOrderData (CBPOD)" on up to 5 templates. |
<BasketProductOption> |
| Start of the subsection for free fields at split-order item level (BasketProductOptions BPO) Please note: Depending on the integration variant, this section can also be located within <Order> (UseOnce) or <OrderList/Item/DeliverySplit/+Entry> (UseForEachUsedDeliveryAddress). |
BasketProductOptionID |
| ID of BasketProductOption from shop konfiguration |
<Inputs> |
| Subsection for all free fields |
<Input> |
| Subsection for each free field |
ID |
| ID of the free field from the shop configuration |
Value |
| for input field: Enter the customer with activated checkbox: "on" |
Costs |
| float | Amount of additional costs for this free field |
</Input> |
| End of the subsection for a free field |
</Inputs> |
| End of the subsection of all fields |
<Costs> |
| Subsection for the additional cost calculation for free fields (BPO) |
<Cost> |
| Subsection for each configured cost calculation |
ID |
| ID of the cost calculation from the shop configuration |
Name |
| Name of the cost calculation from the shop configuration |
Costs |
| float | Value of the cost calculation |
Valid |
| yes no | yes, if the cost calculation has been completed |
</Cost> |
| End of the subsection for the cost calculation for BPO |
</Costs> |
| End of the subsection for all cost calculations for BPO |
</BasketProductOption> |
| End of the subsection for BasketProductOptions BPO |
Notes on set items:
If an item has a value for "SetParentID" then it is a set top item. If an article has a value for "SetChildID" then it is a set child article.
Upper and lower articles are assigned the same ID. This creates a unique association between a set parent item and one or more associated set child items.
Example: Set with 3 sub-articles:
ID = 12345
SetParentID = 12345-1 (Set-Oberartikel)
ID = 112233
SetChildID = 12345-1 (Set-Unterartikel)
ID = 121212
SetChildID = 12345-1 (Set-Unterartikel)
ID = 222333
SetChildID = 12345-1 (Set-Unterartikel)
Section: Vouchers
This section is only available as a separate main section in the order data for the "Redeem multiple vouchers (MultiVoucher)" function.
The same parameters for the simple use of a single voucher are otherwise located within the <Order> section.
Parameters | Required field | Max. Length <>255 characters | Comment |
<+Voucher> |
| Only for "Redeem multiple vouchers (MultiVoucher)": A sub-section is created for each voucher. |
Index |
| Only for "Redeem multiple vouchers (MultiVoucher)": Each voucher is automatically numbered with an index starting with 1. |
VoucherNumber |
| 19 | The number of the redeemed voucher |
VoucherRest |
| float | The remaining amount of the redeemed voucher |
VoucherRest_DName |
| (language-dependent) displayed name of the remaining amount |
VoucherRest_DValue |
| Value of the remaining amount displayed in the shop |
VoucherChargeID |
| 64 | The batch ID of the redeemed voucher |
VoucherChargeCreator |
| 128 | First name and last name of the batch creator who created the batch in OSB |
VoucherChargeLabel |
| 128 | Batch label that can be selected in the OSB via drop-down list |
VoucherAmount |
| float | The redeemed amount of a voucher. For example, if a voucher worth 100€ was redeemed, although the invoice amount was only 25€, this would read "25.00". |
VoucherAmount_DName |
| Name from the shop configuration e.g. "Voucher" |
VoucherAmount_DValue |
| The negative amount of the voucher with currency indication |
VoucherPositionAmount |
| float | Sum of voucher amounts determined on position level |
VoucherVATRate |
| float | VAT rate of the voucher |
VoucherVATIndex |
| Integer | VAT index of the voucher |
VoucherVATProportional |
<VoucherVATRatios> |
<VoucherVATRatios>.VATRateRatio-X |
VoucherType |
| absolute percental | Type of voucher: absolute or percental |
VoucherRate |
| float | percentage voucher value (e.g. 5.00 for 5% voucher) |
VoucherSetWarranties |
| Authorisation codes of the voucher |
VoucherMaxSetChildSum |
SpecialFeaturesAdditionalProductFieldsFilter |
| yes | Voucher is dependent on product data fields (yes) |
SpecialFeaturesAdditionalProductFieldsFilter_SetBehavior |
| asUnit/single | Set subproducts are considered as a unit or checked individually |
SpecialFeaturesAdditionalProductFieldsFilter_fieldname_X |
| 128 | technical field name of the product data field to be checked (X: number of the filter) |
SpecialFeaturesAdditionalProductFieldsFilter_valuelist_X |
| 1024 | comma-separated list of values that must be contained in the product data field (X: number of the filter) |
SpecialFeaturesInventoryState |
SpecialFeaturesInventoryState_SetBehavior |
SpecialFeaturesInventoryState_valueList |
Section: CreditPass (credit check via CreditPass)
This section is optional and will only be displayed if the orderer has been checked via CreditPass. The response parameters are explained in more detail in the CreditPass documentation. Please contact CreditPass for more information.
Parameters | Required field | Max. Length <>255 characters | Comment |
Result | X | Positive Negative Alarm | The possible values are "Positive": Authorization done "Negative": no authorization, no statement possible or connection error "Alarm": Authorization is made with reservation. Manual check required before sending. |
AnswerCode | X |
| The answer code of CreditPass. See CreditPass documentation 0: authorized (Result=Positive) 1: not authorized (Result=Negative) 2: Authorized with reservation. The shop operator must perform a manual check (Result=Alarm) -1: No statement possible/error/no connection to CreditPass (Result=Negative) |
TA_ID | X |
| The unique transaction number of CreditPass. See documentation of CreditPass |
| See CreditPass documentation |
AnswerText | X |
| Note text for the answer code. See CreditPass documentation |
AnswerDetails | X |
| Answer details for specific matrices. See documentation of CreditPass |
Please note:
Insecure payment types are only offered by the shop if the AnswerCode is "0" or "2". For all other values or states, only the payment types that have been defined as secure in the shop will be offered. This also applies if, for example, no connection to CreditPass could be established or there is a problem with the communication between WEBSALE and CreditPass.
Authorization with reservation (Result=Alarm):
If the AnswerCode is "2" (Result=Alarm), then the orderer was found in a sanction list. The order must not be sent unchecked. Further details about this, are passed in the parameters "AnswerText" and "AnswerDetails", if these are supplied by CreditPass. For further information, please refer to the documentation of CreditPass.
Section: TaxIDOnlineCheck (online check of foreign UstIDs)
This section is optional and will only be displayed if the online check of foreign taxIDs is enabled.
Parameters | Required field | Max. Length <>255 Characters | Comment |
Status | X | checked unchecked | The possible values are |
[parameter] |
| [value] | All parameter/value pairs returned by the BZSt interface are passed |
Please note:
Which parameters and corresponding values are output in the section depends on the BZSt interface.
The check is performed once per order. A negative check has no effect on the shop behavior!
Section: CreditCard (credit card data)
This section is optional and will be passed only if the payment method is credit card. Further optional are
and are only transferred if this has been explicitly enabled in the shop and thus the ERP is authorized to store this data (PCI-certified).
Computop pseudo card data. The ERP is allowed to store this data even without PCI certification.
Parameter | Required field | Max. Length <>255 Characters | Comment |
Type | X | 255 | The name of the card type "VISA", "Mastercard", etc., which can be freely assigned in the shop. |
Holder | X | 128 | Card holder |
CardIndex |
| Integer | The unique card index when using multiple credit card data in the customer base |
OneTime |
| yes no | Only for multiple credit card data. One-time use of the credit card data. If this parameter is set to "yes", then this data was not stored in the customer database and must not be replicated back to the shop by the ERP. |
Number | X | 19 | Credit card number |
ExpireDate | X | 7 | Expiration date of the card in the format MM-YYYY |
ComputopPayID |
| 255 | Only for online clearing with Computop. The PayID of Computop. See Computop documentation. |
ComputopMatch |
| 255 | Only for online clearing with Computop. Parameter Match of Computop. See Computop documentation. |
SaferpayID |
| 255 | Only for online clearing with Saferpay. The SaferpayID. See Saferpay documentation. |
SaferpayToken |
| 255 | Only for online clearing with Saferpay. The SaferpayToken. See Saferpay documentation. |
TelecashTDate |
| 255 | Only for online clearing with Telecash. See Telecash documentation. |
TelecashOrderID |
| 64 | Only for online clearing with Telecash. See Telecash documentation. |
TelecashHostedDataID |
| 64 | Only for online clearing with Telecash. See Telecash documentation. |
WireCardPaymentState |
| 64 | Only for online clearing with Wirecard. See Wirecard documentation. |
WireCardAmount |
| 64 | Only for online clearing with Wirecard. See Wirecard documentation. |
WireCardCurrency |
| 64 | Only for online clearing with Wirecard. See Wirecard documentation. |
WireCardPaymentType |
| 64 | Only for online clearing with Wirecard. See Wirecard documentation. |
WireCardFinancialInstitution |
| 64 | Only for online clearing with Wirecard. See Wirecard documentation. |
WireCardLanguage |
| 64 | Only for online clearing with Wirecard. See Wirecard documentation. |
WireCardOrderNumber |
| 64 | Only for online clearing with Wirecard. See Wirecard documentation. |
WireCardFingerPrint |
| 64 | Only for online clearing with Wirecard. See Wirecard documentation. |
WireCardAnonymousPan |
| 64 | Only for online clearing with Wirecard. See Wirecard documentation. |
WireCardAuthenticated |
| 64 | Only for online clearing with Wirecard. See Wirecard documentation. |
WireCardExpiry |
| 64 | Only for online clearing with Wirecard. See Wirecard documentation. |
WireCardCardHolder |
| 64 | Only for online clearing with Wirecard. See Wirecard documentation. |
WireCardMaskedPan |
| 64 | Only for online clearing with Wirecard. See Wirecard documentation. |
WireCardGatewayReferenceNumber |
| 255 | Only for online clearing with Wirecard. See Wirecard documentation. |
WireCardAutoDeposit |
| yes no | Only for online clearing with Wirecard. See Wirecard documentation. |
WSCardType |
| Integer | Internal card type of WEBSALE |
WSCapture |
| auto manual | auto: Amount was instructed |
PostFinanceBrand |
| 64 | Only for online clearing with PostFinance. See PostFinance documentation. |
PostFinanceCardNo |
| 64 | Only for online clearing with PostFinance. See PostFinance documentation. |
PostFinanceCN |
| 64 | Only for online clearing with PostFinance. See PostFinance documentation. |
PostFinanceAmount |
| 32 | Only for online clearing with PostFinance. See PostFinance documentation. |
PostFinanceCurrency |
| 32 | Only for online clearing with PostFinance. See PostFinance documentation. |
PostFinancePayID |
| 128 | Only for online clearing with PostFinance. See PostFinance documentation. |
PostFinancePayIDSub |
| 128 | Only for online clearing with PostFinance. See PostFinance documentation. |
PostFinancePM |
| 64 | Only for online clearing with PostFinance. |
PostFinanceSCOCategory |
| 32 | Only for online clearing with PostFinance. See PostFinance documentation. |
PostFinanceScoring |
| 32 | Only for online clearing with PostFinance. See PostFinance documentation. |
PostFinanceStatus |
| 32 | Only for online clearing with PostFinance. See PostFinance documentation. |
PostFinanceTRXDate |
| 32 | Only for online clearing with PostFinance. See PostFinance documentation. |
OgonePayID |
| 64 | Only for online clearing with Ogone. See Ogone documentation. |
OgoneStatus |
| 16 | Only for online clearing with Ogone. See Ogone documentation. |
OgoneNCStatus |
| 16 | Only for online clearing with Ogone. See Ogone documentation. |
OgoneNCError |
| 16 | Only for online clearing with Ogone. See Ogone documentation. |
PaymetricAuthCode |
| 64 | Only for online clearing with Paymetric Authorization code from Paymetric (XiPay) |
PaymetricOperation |
| 64 | Only for online clearing with Paymetric SALE or AUTHORIZATION |
PaymetricECIFlag |
| 2 | Only for online clearing with Paymetric ECI flag from Paymetric (DiEComm) |
PaymetricCAVV |
| 64 | Only for online clearing with Paymetric CAVV code from Paymetric (DiEComm) |
PaymetricPayNetTransID |
| 64 | Only for online clearing with Paymetric XiPayNetTransID from Paymetric (DiEComm) |
PaymetricInterceptCCToken |
| 255 | Only for online clearing with Paymetric Pseudo credit card number (tokenized, XiIntercept) |
PaymetricInterceptCCName |
| 64 | Only for online clearing with Paymetric credit card name (XiIntercept) |
PaymetricInterceptLookupTransID |
| 255 | Only for online clearing with Paymetric cmpi_lookup: TransactionID (XiIntercept) |
PaymetricInterceptLookupEnrolled |
| 16 | Only for online clearing with Paymetric cmpi_lookup: Enrolled (XiIntercept) |
PaymetricInterceptLookupOrderID |
| 255 | Only for online clearing with Paymetric cmpi_lookup: OrderID (XiIntercept) |
PaymetricInterceptLookupECIFlag |
| 16 | Only for online clearing with Paymetric cmpi_lookup: ECIFlag (XiIntercept) |
PaymetricInterceptAuthenticate |
| 3 | Only for online clearing with Paymetric "yes" or "no": cmpi_authenticate present (XiIntercept) |
PaymetricInterceptAuthenticateECI Flag |
| 16 | Only for online clearing with Paymetric cmpi_authenticate: ECIFlag (XiIntercept) |
PaymetricInterceptAuthenticatePAR eStatus |
| 16 | Only for online clearing with Paymetric cmpi_authenticate: PAReStatus (XiIntercept) |
PaymetricInterceptAuthenticateSignatureVerification |
| 16 | Only for online clearing with Paymetric cmpi_authenticate: SignatureVerification (XiIntercept) |
PaymetricInterceptAuthenticateXID |
| 255 | Only for online clearing with Paymetric cmpi_authenticate: XID (XiIntercept) |
PaymetricInterceptAuthenticateCAVV |
| 255 | Only for online clearing with Paymetric cmpi_authenticate: Cavv (XiIntercept) |
PaymetricCardType |
| 64 | Only for online clearing with Paymetric CardType from Paymetric (XiPay) |
PaymetricCardNumber |
| 64 | Only for online clearing with Paymetric CardNumber from Paymetric (XiPay) |
PaymetricCardExpirationDate |
| 64 | Only for online clearing with Paymetric ExpirationDate from Paymetric (XiPay) |
PaymetricCardHolderName |
| 64 | Only for online clearing with Paymetric CardHolder from Paymetric (XiPay) |
PaymetricAmount |
| 64 | Only for online clearing with Paymetric Amount from Paymetric (XiPay) |
PaymetricCurrencyKey |
| 64 | Only for online clearing with Paymetric CurrencyKey from Paymetric (XiPay) |
PaymetricAuthorizationDate |
| 64 | Only for online clearing with Paymetric AuthorizationDate from Paymetric (XiPay) |
PaymetricAuthorizationTime |
| 64 | Only for online clearing with Paymetric AuthorizationTime from Paymetric (XiPay) |
PaymetricTransactionID |
| 64 | Only for online clearing with Paymetric TransactionID from Paymetric (XiPay) |
PaymetricStatusCode |
| 64 | Only for online clearing with Paymetric StatusCode from Paymetric (XiPay) |
PaymetricMessage |
| 64 | Only for online clearing with Paymetric Message from Paymetric (XiPay) |
PaymetricAVSCode |
| 64 | Only for online clearing with Paymetric AVSCode from Paymetric (XiPay) |
Section: DebitNote (direct debit)
This section is optional and is passed only in case of an offline direct debit.
Parameters | Required field | Max. Length <>255 Characters | Comment |
Owner |
| 255 | Account holder |
Bank | X | 255 | Bank name |
BankRoutingNumber | X* | 32 | SORT CODE |
AccountNumber | X* | 32 | Account number |
IBAN | X* | 32 | IBAN |
| 11 | BIC |
SEPALastDirectMandate |
| 128 | Mandate number used |
SEPADirectMandateSent |
| Integer | 0: Mandate was not sent by eMail |
BankIndex |
| Integer | A unique index for multiple bank data |
ExternalID |
| 255 | External ID for multiple bank data, which can be assigned by the ERP. |
OneTime |
| yes | Only for multiple bank data. One time use of bank data. If this parameter is set to "yes", then this bank data was not stored in the customer database and must not be replicated back into the shop by the ERP. |
ComputopPayID |
| 255 | Only for online clearing with Computop. |
* if the order was placed in SEPA mode, only the IBAN field is required. Otherwise the BankRoutingNumber and AccountNumber fields are required.
Section: DIRECTebanking (instant bank transfer)
This section is optional and is only submitted for the "Sofortüberweisung" payment method. Cardholder, account number, sort code etc. are the data entered by the orderer at Sofortüberweisung.
Parameters | Required field | Max. Length <>255 Characters | Comment |
Transaction | X | 255 | The unique transaction ID of Sofortüberweisung |
Holder | X | 128 | Cardholder |
AccountNumber | X | 128 | Account number |
BankCode | X | 128 | BANK CODE |
BankName | X | 128 | Name of the bank |
| 128 | BIC |
| 128 | IBAN |
Section: iDEAL (iDEAL via Computop)
This section is optional and is only transferred for the payment type "iDEAL" in connection with Computop.
Parameter | Required field | Max. Length <>255 Characters | Comment |
ComputopPayID | X | 255 | The Computop PayID |
ComputopXID | X | 128 | See Computop documentation |
AccountOwner | X | 128 | See Computop documentation |
AccountNumber | X | 128 | See Computop documentation |
AccountIBAN | X | 128 | See Computop documentation |
AccountBank | X | 128 | See Computop documentation |
IBAN | X | 128 | See Computop documentation |
BIC | X | 128 | See Computop documentation |
Section: iDEAL (iDEAL via Wirecard)
This section is optional and is only transferred for the payment type "iDEAL" in connection with Wirecard.
Parameter | Required field | Max. Length <>255 characters | Comment |
WireCardPaymentState |
| 64 | See Wirecard documentation |
WireCardAmount |
| 64 | See Wirecard documentation |
WireCardCurrency |
| 3 | See Wirecard documentation |
WireCardPaymentType |
| 64 | See Wirecard documentation |
WireCardFinancialInstitution |
| 64 | See Wirecard documentation |
WireCardLanguage |
| 3 | See Wirecard documentation |
WireCardOrderNumber |
| 64 | See Wirecard documentation |
WireCardFingerPrint |
| 64 | See Wirecard documentation |
WireCardIDEALConsumerName |
| 255 | See Wirecard documentation |
WireCardIDEALConsumerCity |
| 255 | See Wirecard documentation |
WireCardIDEALConsumerAccountNumber |
| 255 | See Wirecard documentation |
WireCardGatewayReferenceNumber |
| 255 | See Wirecard documentation |
Section: DebitCard (DebitCard via Wirecard)
This section is optional and is only passed for the payment type "DebitCard" in connection with Wirecard.
Parameter | Required field | Max. Length <>255 Characters | Comment |
WireCardPaymentState |
| 64 | See Wirecard documentation |
WireCardAmount |
| 64 | See Wirecard documentation |
WireCardCurrency |
| 3 | See Wirecard documentation |
WireCardPaymentType |
| 64 | See Wirecard documentation |
WireCardFinancialInstitution |
| 64 | See Wirecard documentation |
WireCardLanguage |
| 3 | See Wirecard documentation |
WireCardOrderNumber |
| 64 | See Wirecard documentation |
WireCardFingerPrint |
| 64 | See Wirecard documentation |
WireCardAnonymousPan |
| 64 | See Wirecard documentation |
WireCardAuthenticated |
| 64 | See Wirecard documentation |
WireCardExpiry |
| 64 | See Wirecard documentation |
WireCardCardHolder |
| 64 | See Wirecard documentation |
WireCardMaskedPan |
| 64 | See Wirecard documentation |
WireCardGatewayReferenceNumber |
| 255 | See Wirecard documentation |
WireCardAutoDeposit |
| yes no | See Wirecard documentation |
Section: DotPay
This section is optional and will only be passed if the payment type is "DotPay".
Parameters | Required field | Max. Length <>255 characters | Comment |
ID | X | 128 | Unique transaction ID. See DotPay documentation. |
Status |
| 128 | See DotPay documentation |
| 128 | See DotPay documentation |
Amount |
| Integer | See DotPay documentation |
| 128 | See DotPay documentation | |
Service |
| 128 | See DotPay documentation |
Code |
| 128 | See DotPay documentation |
Username |
| 128 | See DotPay documentation |
Password |
| 128 | See DotPay documentation |
Tstatus |
| 128 | See DotPay documentation |
Description |
| 128 | See DotPay documentation |
MD5 |
| 128 | See DotPay documentation |
PInfo |
| 128 | See DotPay documentation |
PEmail |
| 128 | See DotPay documentation |
TDate |
| 128 | See DotPay documentation |
Section: DirectDebitPayEX
This section is optional and is only passed for the "DirectDebitPayEX" payment type.
Parameters | Required field | Max. Length <>255 characters | Comment |
TransactionRef |
| 255 | See PayEX documentation. |
TransactionNumber |
| 255 | See PayEX documentation |
Section: ClickAndBuy
This section is optional and is only passed for the payment type "ClickAndBuy".
Parameters | Required field | Max. Length <>255 characters | Comment |
ComputopPayID | X | 255 | The Computop PayID |
| 64 | The participantID of the buyer at ClickAndBuy |
Section: PostFinance
This section is optional and will only be passed if the payment type is "PostFinance".
Parameter | Comment |
ComputopPayID | ID assigned by the paygate for the payment; e.g. for referencing in batch files and in the capture or credit request. |
ComputopXID | ID assigned by the paygate for all individual transactions (authorisation, booking, credit) that are carried out for a payment. |
ComputopPaymentPurpose | Unique ID generated by PPRO and provided in PostFinance's own settlement file. This ID should be used on the merchant side to reconcile open positions. The reference number cannot be used for this purpose with this payment method. |
ComputopPaymentGuarantee | FULL: Payment guarantee |
Section: Bill
This section is optional and will only be passed for the payment type "Bill" in connection with CompuTop and Klarna.
Parameter | Required field | Max. Length <>255 characters | Comment |
CTopPayID | X | 255 | The Computop PayID |
CTopRNo |
| 64 | The Computop/Klarna reservation number |
Section: Installment
This section is optional and is only passed when using the "Financing" payment method in conjunction with CompuTop and Klarna.
Parameters | Required field | Max. Length <>255 characters | Comment |
CTopPayID | X | 255 | The Computop PayID |
CTopRNo |
| 64 | The Computop/Klarna reservation number |
Clearing |
| EasyCredit (if used) |
WebshopID |
| 128 | The EasyCredit WebshopID |
Transaction ID |
| 1024 | The EasyCredit transaction identifier |
EasyCreditJSONResponseObjectHexCoded |
| Response from EasyCredit hex coded |
Section: PayPalDirect
This section is optional and will be passed only for the payment type "PayPal" in connection with the direct connection to PayPal.
Parameter | Required field | Max. Length <>255 characters | Comment |
Token | X | 128 | See PayPal documentation |
PayerID | X | 128 | See PayPal documentation |
TransactionID | X | 128 | See PayPal documentation |
OrderTime | X | 64 | See PayPal documentation |
PaymentType |
| 64 | See PayPal documentation |
SettleAmt |
| 64 | See PayPal documentation |
FeeAmt |
| 64 | See PayPal documentation |
Office |
| 64 | See PayPal documentation |
Currency |
| 32 | See PayPal documentation |
PaymentStatus |
| 64 | See PayPal documentation |
PaymentPendingReason |
| 64 | See PayPal documentation |
PaymentRequestID |
| 64 | See PayPal documentation |
ProtectionEligibility |
| 32 | See PayPal documentation |
ProtectionEgilibilityType |
| 32 | See PayPal documentation |
PayPalAPIUser |
| 128 | The API username used for PayPal access |
PayPalMerchantEmail |
| 128 | The email address from the merchant's PayPal account |
PayPalPaymentAction |
| 16 | PaymentAction used by PayPal. Possible values are |
ExpressCheckoutUsed |
| yes | Buyer has used the ExpressCheckout |
<ExpressCheckoutDetails> |
| In this section, all parameter-value pairs returned by PayPal in the "GetCheckoutDetails" method are passed. |
Section: PayPalCheckout
This section is optional and is only transferred for payment methods that are integrated via "PayPal Checkout".
Parameter | Required field | Max. Length <>255 characters | Comment |
TransactionID |
| See PayPal documentation |
PaymentID |
MerchantID |
PaymentMode |
| PayUponInvoice … |
PayPalPaymentAction |
OrderDetailsJSONResponseObjectHexCoded |
PPCExpressUsed |
| yes | Buyer has used PayPal Express Checkout |
VaultUsed |
| yes | Buyer has paid with saved PayPal account |
VaultCustomerID |
| Customer ID generated by PayPal |
VaultID |
| Vault ID generated by PayPal |
Section: ClimateNeutral
This section is optional and is only passed if the buyer has selected climate neutral production for the entire shopping cart. If climate neutral certificates are offered for each shopping cart item individually, the following parameters are written to the OrderList > Item section (see below).
Parameter | Required field | Max. Length <>255 Characters | Comment |
Status | X | Failed OK | Failed: the order of the climate neutral production could not be finally submitted to ClimatePartner OK: climate neutral production successfully submitted to ClimatePartner |
OrderID | X | 64 | ID of the order at ClimatePartner |
CertID | X | 64 | ID of the certificate at ClimatePartner |
ProjectName | X | 255 | Name of the climate protection project at ClimatePartner |
ProjectOffsetNo | X | 64 | ID of the climate protection project at ClimatePartner |
CreationDate | X | 64 | Creation date of the order at ClimatePartner |
CertURL | X | 1027 | URL to the certificate at ClimatePartner |
LogoURL | X | 1027 | URL to the logo generator at ClimatePartner |
VerifyURL | X | 1027 | URL to the verification page at ClimatePartner |
Emissions | X | float | Amount of CO2 emissions |
VATRate | X | float | VAT rate |
VATIndex | X | Integer | VAT index |
Total | X | float | Total amount climate neutral production |
TotalPartClimatePartner | X | float | Partial amount costs at ClimatePartner |
TotalPartCostAddition | X | float | Partial amount of fixed surcharge in shop |
Section: PaymentRuleInput
This section is optional and will only be passed if the buyer has provided additional information about the payment method used. The section can contain up to 10 entries.
Parameter | Required field | Max. Length <>255 Characters | Comment |
<ID> |
| 128 | technical value of the listbox or input of the buyer. The ID is set in the configuration of the corresponding payment type specification (shop.config configuration file) |
Section: ABTests
This section is optional and is only passed if at least one AB test was active. The section can contain up to 10 subsections <+test>.
Daten des 1. AB-Tests
Daten des 2. AB-Tests
Daten des n-ten AB-Tests
Data of an AB test:
Parameter | Required field | Max. Length <>255 Characters | Comment |
ID |
| 64 | Technical ID of the AB test as configured in the OSB |
CaseGroup |
| Value between A and J |
The section can contain up to 10 entries.
Section: KlarnaCheckout
This section is optional and will be passed only if the payment method is Klarna Checkout.
Parameters | Required field | Max. Length <>255 Characters | Comment |
ID | X | 128 | Customer ID for the Klarna Checkout order |
Reference | X | 128 | End user friendly reference |
Reservation | X | 128 | Reservation number to use in the XML-RPC API |
<CustomerAddress> | X |
| Billing address, as described above in the CustomerAddress section |
<DeliveryAddress> |
| Delivery address, as described above DeliveryAddress section |
The <CustomerAddress> and <DeliveryAddress> sections have the same parameter names. All parameters are optional.
Parameters | Required field | Max. Length <>255 Characters | Comment |
FirstName |
| 128 | FirstName |
LastName |
| 128 | LastName |
CareOf |
| 128 | Flag “Care of” |
Street1 |
| 255 | Street and house number |
| 64 | ZIP CODE |
City |
| 128 | Place |
CountryISO |
| 3 | 3-character country code according to ISO 3166 |
| 128 | Email address | |
Phone |
| 64 | Phone number |
Section: Paymorrow
This section is optional and is only passed for the Paymorrow payment type.
In this section all parameters from the XML response of the method authorizeByReference of Paymorrow are passed. The XML response from Paymorrow is converted to the order data format beforehand.
Note: If an error occurs during the conversion, the XML response is passed 1:1 in the PaymorrowRawRespone subsection.
Example XML response from Paymorrow:
Conversion to order data format:
Section: PrimeShopping
This section is optional and will only be passed if the buyer was logged in and there is at least one Prime package in his customer account.
This section can contain any number of subsections <+Package> in which the data of a purchased Prime package is transferred:
Parameter | Required field | Max. Length | Comment |
ProdIndex | X | 64 | Product index of the prime package (product index of the set top product) |
ValidFrom | X | 8 | Timestamp YYYYMMDD, Prime package valid since |
ValidUntil | X | 8 | Timestamp YYYYMMDD, Prime package valid until |
Canceled | X | yes | If "yes", the Prime package was canceled via customer account |
ProdOrderInfoPart |
| The first 255 characters of the OrderInfo field of the Prime product (if set at the time of ordering) |
PeriodOfNotice | X | Integer | Notice period at the end of the term in days |
Section: Billie
This section is optional and will only be passed for the Billie payment type.
Parameters | Required field | Max. Length | Comment |
BillieSessionID | X | 128 | Session-ID from Billie |
WidgetResponseHexCoded | X | 4048 | Hex-coded response from the Billie widget |
SessionConfirmResponseHexCoded | X | 4048 | Hex-coded response from "Checkout Session Confirm” |
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